Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Gau (page 195)

Get a load of this:
I don't think this team is bad, actually! Just watch out for a trick room team, becuse the only slow guy on your team is Shuckle, and he only cripples and sets up harards. For best results, keep him alive to set up some more hazards if your opponent has defog or rapid spin. For Pheromosa, make sure to give it a focus sash, or else the opponent could just use a focus sash themselves, live a hit, and kill you. Use quick attack for maximum effectiveness. Surprisingly, watch out for Sudowoodo when you're using Calrex Shadow. Sudowoodo with max attack evs and sucker punch plus sturdy/focus sash could 2 hit KO ur Calrex. Oh ya. And an attack boosting nature.
You're Zacian Crowned will do well, UNTIL your opponent sends out a focus sash Cinderace with maxed out attack and stuff. Pyro ball downright kills you or it leaves u on very low hp so quick attack can do the cleaning up. Also, if you want Kyogre to have coverage, why specs? It locks you in to one specific move. So you kill one pokemon with thunder. They send out a grass type. What r u gonna do with that while choiced? Huh?
That's it for my answers.
My friend has some suggestions.
1) Give Shuckle a Mental Herb, those Encore/Taunt's can really get to him. You can switch out Knock off for Toxic, but either is fine. 2) Haven't used Phero that much, so I tinkered around and got 3) I'd also suggest sticking with the common set for Calyrex, 4) Zacian I would go Jolly to outspeed more pokemon, it doesnt really matter, but I think Jolly works better. 5) I would switch out Gapdos for a defogger, Phero isnt the most reliable hazard remover. 6) All the changes above are put in a final team,

Hope this helped!

answered 8 hours ago by Cloaked_In_Darkness

Here’s the question for context
Apr 30, 2021 by BottomlessSea
Well I sure am, not sure about Minior
Apr 30, 2021 by BottomlessSea
Wow cool! I dudn't know there was such thing as an app like that.
Apr 30, 2021 by Dyla N
Another Ignis created


ManectricMadness is one of the protagonists of the epic Pokemon Database anime. He likes Normal type wallbreakers, and is pretty cranky sometimes. He makes cool gimmick pokemon sets and is good at NU.

- His anger cannot be stopped
- He got removed in Gen 8 but then realized National Dex tiers were a thing so he resides there.
Apr 30, 2021 by BottomlessSea
Giru-Rūku :0
Apr 30, 2021 by vydestiny


Apr 30, 2021 by BottomlessSea

Name: Lenore (le-nor) Ravenscar

Age: 13

Gender; female

Region of origin: Unova

Appearance; blue-black shoulder length hair  with light blue ends , Aqua blue eyes, very light skin, slender but muscular . She wears black sonny jeans, a light blue shirt with a black rose on it, black knee high boots and a black leather headband. She carries a surprisingly Cherry pink backpack.
Personality: well she is a loner usually but after arriving in Aliola the Jerry atmosphere ribbed off a Little. She can’t help but like Pika. She usually gives iff a “stay back” aura but it seems Pika dude’t ever notice. Lenore is extreamly well-lnowb in Unova after all she’s the newest E4 challenger. She earned all 8 badges in a month. She!s tough but not arrogant and will quietly give advice regardless if anyone’s listening. She is a calming pressence and very chutney,    She’s also quite sassy and talks back a lot.



Gender, male
Ability: blaze

 Personality: he is as tough as Lenore but more rash (his nature Is Rash) he us easily Angered. And scary when he is angry. He’ll keep fighting even after he probably should’ve stopped. He’s fiercely loyal and a 99% of the time doesn’t listen to anybody else. He was Lenore’s starter in Aslertia city.

Fire Pledge
Blast Burn
Focus Blast


Ability: unburden

Personality: she’s well catty and cruel she has a calm nature which makes it even scarier because she almost seems to enjoy hurting other Pokémon.

Night Slash

Ability speed Boost

Personality: despite his strength and size he’s much nicer than Emboar or Liepatd. He has a fennel nature and has a big teddy bear.

Poison Tail
Aqua tail

Ability; levitate

Personality: arrogant and cocky rather spoiled has a bold nature and is a show-off.

Draco Meteor
Dark Pulse
Ice Fang

Ability: Lightning rod

Personality: cain and self-centered  she has a quirky nature though it doesn’t show.

Ne First
Wild Charge

Ability: water absorb

Personality: she!’s just a baby  but she’s sweet and kind privately Lenore  treats her like she’s her own kid but of course in public she doesn’t show the lihis. She has a Timid nature

Sweet scent
Scene bomb (so she really uses it because it scares her)
Grass whistle
Apr 30, 2021 by Dyla N
Pheq! All dove... i hope. Looking all that up tooj ages! XD
Apr 30, 2021 by Dyla N
Bye :)
Apr 30, 2021 by Amethyst
That’ll be easy  wen or we get there theres
Rupert( imagine a white haired Paul in a British accent LOL
Pauleen (she says “diga” in  most of her sentences and uses it as an  expletive .)
Joe Woldwest ( yes that’s a literally his last name )
 And that’s not to mention all the bad guys   After dinner I will do the Pokémon character  I don’t usually ask this but are there any preferences for a personality that you’re thinking of for them ?
Apr 29, 2021 by Dyla N