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Wall for Helix716 (page 4)

Jul 14, 2018 by SpillThePolteageist
its 2 months, not years
Jul 14, 2018 by stall_fest
I'm thinking of changing my username to SceptileUseLeafBlade. Is that a good name?
Jul 11, 2018 by SpillThePolteageist
You remember that wall post you posted almost 2 months ago? I still remember!

You know which type I hate? I hate the dragon type. I always thought types existed to balance things and show that everything had weaknesses and nothing was better than everything else. I liked that idea, so I disliked the dragon type. It was made for just one evolution family and just one move, purely to show that they were superior to the other types. It defeats the purpose of types. The worst part was that it ended up not working at all, and normal (literally) Pokemon like Chansey turned out much stronger in practice. From Generation 1, it didn't get much better. As new games were made and new Pokemon were designed, it seemed as if all the strongest and most overpowered Pokemon, both legendary and not, had to be dragon type. More and more in-game characters and in-game locations were added to make the dragon type look more special. Eventually, possibly because they realized this was a problem, they decided to do something. It wasn't going back and figuring out the best ways to nerf each individual dragon Pokemon that got too strong and carefully balancing the game. They decided to introduce the fairy type and probably though, "This should do it. Let's just release these games and see what happens." When did types stop being based on natural, "elemental" concepts and start being random like that? But more importantly, it showed that the game designers didn't really care about making the games as fun and as balanced as possible. They just did whatever let them make money easily. And as if they completely forgot they ever had a problem, they continued designing overpowered dragon Pokemon.
Jul 11, 2018 by sumwun
Not even and Bulbapeadia can top Helixpeadia
Jul 10, 2018 by SpillThePolteageist
actually, WGDF just posted on my wall! But, like half our gang is inactive
Jul 10, 2018 by CC ☽
dude, WGDF, Staka, and Joltie are inactive now.
Jul 8, 2018 by CC ☽
larva -> larvae
Rayquaza -> Rayquazae
I know that a lot of people like Tangrowth and it's probably a good idea, but I personally just try to predict taunt and switch to mega Sableye when I do, and when I don't expect taunt I just fall back on my Chansey Toxapex core. Also I've never battled a Tapu Koko that used taunt on me. Are you sure they exist?
Jul 7, 2018 by sumwun
Jul 4, 2018 by PX