Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for JaJaDingDong (page 6)

Vote for the Pokémon you think was most deserving of a mega but never got one! The Pokémon you vote for can be from any generation including VI, VII and VIII. Must not be any of the following:
• Snorlax
• Lapras
• Beautifly
• Dustox
• Milotic
• Flygon
• Lickilicky
• Yanmega
• Eelektross
• Chandelure
• Clawitzer
• Dragalge
• Zeraora
Dec 24, 2020 by JaJaDingDong
Zeroara desverves a fire/electric mega
Dec 24, 2020 by ~DracoMeteor~
I thought people would be MAD yhat i dud that... huh.
I may end up netding  out if you do XD   So i rahe jt you F looks like “ cystic fibrosisOof calling her CF.  Looks like I’m calling her cystic fibrosis oops)  and m are you the person who dislikes “ mentally retarded “ cuz i’m also sorry i said that i don’t line it either but the way “see how the person i argue with is an adilt” it just gahh! Yes i’m an adult (sadly) but i’m nit lihe other adults i don’t wann be doted on gross but  still...
Dec 24, 2020 by Dyla N
Ihhh what’s a good enough reason for what?

Oh! Yiu reminded me about Cornelua Finke huess what? I’m readibg Yhe Labrynth by her abd some ither guy ut’s really good
Dec 24, 2020 by Dyla N
Hey sirry bout the dussagreemeant wij me and Gladion in chat i wasn’t gonna bribg it to chat but wall pists ran out and i’m impatuent
Dec 24, 2020 by Dyla N
I legit dont know if i would like that or not lol
Dec 23, 2020 by Amethyst
Dec 23, 2020 by Amethyst
oh god thats disgusting
Dec 23, 2020 by Amethyst
As cool as awesome as I still have no idea what they mean LOL
Dec 23, 2020 by Dyla N
I’ce actually read Inkheart, inkspell and inkdeath as well as “the thief lord” and Dragon rider all rnelua Funke  not many peopke know about her books sp yaaay someone else five i mentioned i used in a school projectknows her!  Actually the  Ck
Dec 23, 2020 by Dyla N