Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Lorna Shore (page 7)

I registered Bandicam by downloading a simple torrent and cracking the software so it can be registered. You can use the link here to download the torrent if you're familiar with using them:

The file downloaded comes loaded with Bandicam and a special cracking software called KeyMaker. The one thing people get worried about when they download the file is their computers pick up a presence of spyware - there's none in this file, don't worry. It's more so your PC whining because it knows that software can crack Bandicam, more or less.

If you aren't familiar with torrents, do a quick Google search of torrent software such as Vuze and install that first. The rest is pretty self-explanatory by reading the README file included with the torrent you download.

Happy LP'ing!
Jan 20, 2014 by MrKijani
I have the moves of Indigo. xD
Jan 12, 2014 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
I do that all the time. Seriously. xD
You see, I'm on holiday and I have limited internet, so I have no time for live-chatting or else I'll waste precious internet and so whenever I go on chat I just aunam (Amazing Useful Not-Annoying Messages SPREAD THE WORD xD) the place with lines from songs. :3 ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Jan 12, 2014 by !'•-Indigo-•'!