"That's ridiculous... How is your luck so good??????????? Ughhhhhh I mean you started hunting that 2 days ago?? Wtf!"
I don't know. I actually don't know. RNGceus is on my side this week I guess.
"Me who spent a month horde encountering for a damn hoppip"
If it helps you feel better, I did SOOOOO many Horde encounters for Magnemite, only to get a Minun.
"My only shiny legendary is a Moltres that came in ten Dynamax Adventures, (also my only successful shiny hunt in SwSh, thousands of encounters into Regice, Wooloo, and Nincada and never got any of them.)"
Ok I'm slightly jealous because I still need the Kanto birds.
I've actually gotten a legend from DAs too, it was a Latias, at almost odds (the DA odds). I've gotten a couple of DA shinies, most of them taking A LOT of DAs, but that's mostly because I don't have charm. I've also gotten some other shinies in Shield. There were the masuda hunts, the random encounters, the random Snorunt... aw shoot I'm not helping I'm sorry!
"My recent shiny hunts have been determined by a random Pokemon generator, I get six Pokemon and then hunt them."
My targets usually depend on the game. Sometimes, I'll just hunt whatever I want, which is mostly the case for Omega Ruby and was the case for Violet, until started getting so many shinies. Now, my Violet hunts are based off what I need to complete the shiny dex, and I'll plan my targets accordingly. Some hunts, like my Masuda Cryogonal in Shield, I'll do because I want to complete certain tasks (the Regice temple puzzle) in style. Some games, like in Diamond, I'll do hunts because I need to/I want to get them out the way, specifically, Dialga and Azelf respectively (they don't respawn if you run away or KO them in Diamond and Pearl, so I either get them shiny or get them regular. Although generating targets sounds fun, I might have to try that.
Jul 3, 2023
Mr. Fish
As you can see, I got the Shiny Azelf. This was just shiny legendary week, I guess
Jul 3, 2023
Mr. Fish
Not sure, I stayed up REAL late these past few nights shiny hunting so I imagine I did a bunch of resets.
Jul 1, 2023
Mr. Fish
Definitely is. I still have some hunts I need to do in ORAS, but I only have one 3DS and I'm using it to hunt Azelf in Diamond.
Jun 29, 2023
Mr. Fish
That's unfortunate.
I've already hunted Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and Regigigas in Omega Ruby, so I'm gonna transfer them to I don't have to worry about hunting them in Shield.
Jun 29, 2023
Mr. Fish
Yeah, got 'em Monday night, after I under 500 encounters, which was really quick. It's appropriately nicknamed B o i n g.
Going after Regidrago literally as I'm typing this.
Jun 28, 2023
Mr. Fish
Regarding misderevious, there were actually a few locations missing. I missed them too at first, but there were a few missing.
Jun 26, 2023
Hey, i've had a few questions and concerns generally about your question-closing habits recently. I just want to make sure; you do check that the information is on the site when you close posts for that reason, right?
I'll also like to mention, not all old rulebreaking posts need to be closed, posts on meta that are dupes are allowed, and generally posts that lack context don't need to be taken down right away.
Not all the examples I mentioned may be from you, but i just thought i'd mention those as i've noticed them generally recently.
you're doing a good job so far! just be careful when closing in regards to that first point
Jun 26, 2023
Feel free to link me whenever you see an answer that needs ba
Jun 25, 2023