Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Pokemaster (page 27)

Thank you so much for making this site Pokemaster. Even though I've been a member for under 24 hours, I love the community here.
Nov 18, 2013 by Le Scraf
Why do You block things is it bc you dont want people to know things? i mean come on. Administrator My ass...Delete me or what ever i dont care, but you should just block things with fowl languge...Jac!< As$
Nov 13, 2013 by BigZ7272
Can i help with Intro?
And let´s Battle/Trade sometime
Nov 11, 2013 by Natsu
So what movesets are these for then if not for in game?????
Nov 7, 2013 by Byakuran1203
You're the man! Thanks for making this awesome site!
Nov 6, 2013 by Jofly
My Fc:1934-1531-2976 (please add me i wanna know what your freind safari is)
Nov 5, 2013 by Deadpool22
Het Pokémaster, Can I make a question for a moveset for Mewtwo X ? you deleted my first try. If it is not okay can you make the topic ? thx in advance,
Nov 5, 2013 by (Luc)ario
Dragneel, Pokemaster has a life, and I am pretty sure he is not the man who battles everyday. He is not on as much as I thought, or when he is, I am not. But I am sure he will not battle. If you still want, then go ahead.
Nov 2, 2013 by Muguet
Nov 2, 2013 by Natsu
Hey PM, can I ask a moveset question for Sylveon? Just wanted permission!
Nov 1, 2013 by MasterLucario300