Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Pokemaster (page 28)

Yeah, what's with the hiding of my comments/answers?
Oct 16, 2013 by Collide
Why do you delete my awsers, stop it ! that's not cool at all
Oct 16, 2013 by (Luc)ario
Thanks again PM.
Oct 15, 2013 by trachy
Holding B lol
Oct 14, 2013 by Ninja
Weird, mine evolved at 16.
Oct 14, 2013 by Mewderator
they evovle at lvl 17
Oct 12, 2013 by Cosmic_Aegislasher
Chespin does not evovle at lvl 16, i also think the others do not.

that guy has a lvl 16 chespin and it has not evovled
Oct 12, 2013 by Cosmic_Aegislasher
Hello, Thy Lord Pokemaster ! I'm seriously enjoying here much more than anywhere else.
Thank you for this awesome site ;)
Oct 10, 2013 by Muguet
I was wondering what code you use for your countdown on the front page. Could you post a reply to this with a link to the code?
Oct 10, 2013 by thephonebox
Pokey Means Buisness!
Oct 8, 2013 by Crashkid