Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for RaidenTheSworded 雷電 (page 16)

hey, wanna play minecraft at the weekend?
Nov 8, 2021 by Chaos481
they are suing fizz
Nov 8, 2021 by CinderBlast
Hey my deathly Samurai-Sensei desuka!
I am...... loss of mind xD Feeling supernatural deez days with the various arcane sources I have in my area.

How about you?
Nov 7, 2021 by Hexhalem
That was fun! Although im really bad at it... Well, i hope we could play together again!
Nov 7, 2021 by Chaos481
Ah pkay i’ll editit
Nov 7, 2021 by Dyla N
Im in the tutorial... Wait a little bit, sorry
Nov 7, 2021 by Chaos481
can we go to the chatroom?
Nov 7, 2021 by Chaos481
wait, gotta do something. wait for 5 minutes pls!
Nov 7, 2021 by Chaos481
alright then, lets play now!
Nov 7, 2021 by Chaos481