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Wall for Redvolt77 (page 5)

You have something of a nice grav as well.
Aug 9, 2022 by Mr. Fish
I saw.
Aug 1, 2022 by Mr. Fish
Yeah. The Erin Hunters have also written Survivors (the one about dogs), and Seekers (one about bears). I have yet to read them, but I might sometime. Survivors seems more interesting than Seekers, but I suppose I'd have to read 'em to really figure out how much I like 'em.
Jul 31, 2022 by Gau
Yep! I got into it a couple years ago, but then just kinda... stopped for some reason. However, my love for the series was rekindled when I started reading mostly lame Warriors fanfiction. That doesn't really make any sense, but I guess that's what happened. I recently read through the Dawn of the Clans books, and I pretty thoroughly enjoyed it. It was also nice having something new to read. I'm just not sure what series to get next.
Jul 30, 2022 by Gau
Jul 29, 2022 by Gau
Great idea. XD
Jul 23, 2022 by Gau
I'm not exactly sure, as I think the writer was an adult or close to an adult. Acted and spelled like a disgruntled child though. I guess age is no guarantee of... any skills, ever. XD

Here are some random quotes I collected from this... literary masterpiece:

"u just dunt gedot d o you Im one of teh Tree! I have pows beyound ur emaginating!"
"oak oka"
"the next chatter will coke soon"
"He waswerng oink naie Polish"
"then StarGlame stinted to crry as she realed that her sitter ass ded." (I feel very immature for finding this so funny.)
"AND THEN STARGLEAM AS DIED!11!111!11111!1!11!"
"8. don't br unfateful to our mat"
"They were closed to the MoonSnot now" (I really don't get how 'Moonpool' became 'MoonSnot' but it did apparently.)
"I was tiered the last one was log"
"Oh sweat that's a freat idea!"
"Everyone startwf crapping!"
"But bford the marige cold happin... there was a nose!"
"Then the cat toned arund. It was... ASSFyR!" (Ashfur, Assfire, same thing.)
"The Dork Forest is tacking over theri minnds."
"and then... StarKit realeid... her mom and dad... wee"
"Ands then the FOUTH!"
"Tehn sudenly, mongosee!1"

It is very hard to believe this isn't a trollfic, but apparently it isn't.
Jul 20, 2022 by Gau
I'm glad you agree. :3
Jul 18, 2022 by Gau
"hapter to the rose of a Heroin" is from a Warrior cats fanfic called Starkits Propecy. It really sucks and has terrible spelling, grammar, plot, and characters. A very infamous fanfic. However, that aforementioned terrible spelling leads to some rather amusing lines, such as "the rose of a Heroin" (it's supposed to be Chapter Two: The Rise of a Heroine if you were wondering).

And apparently Yuri Rose was asking around because either me or Bee Pen jokingly said that most of the site knew what it meant or something. So he got sooper cureeus. (shrugs)
Jul 17, 2022 by Gau