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Wall for Sophisticles (page 6)

Im good, just struggling with finishing schoolwork, but I'm good with my grades! Final tests are coming up for me, and I'm just tryin' not to worry about it! In other words, Pokemon>Tests and School all day everyday! xD
Mar 29, 2015 by Mr. Blazo
Ohh okie
Mar 28, 2015 by Care :D
Oh, and if that's the same "We are Victorious" that I listen to, then it's one of my favorite songs as well.
Mar 26, 2015 by Toucanadian
Aw shucks. But the Flying-type has more dual-type diversity than the Steel-type. We shall see…
Mar 26, 2015 by Toucanadian
Thanks I really needed the help!
Mar 26, 2015 by wokeboke
Hey, youre the one that recently answered my RMT right? (and thanks!) I got an email saying that, but I cant see your answer. From what I saw though, it was really good. Did you hide it?
Mar 25, 2015 by wokeboke
Oh and btw why do you need 20 hours of community service?
Mar 25, 2015 by Care :D
Parents are something else huh XD they basically want me to be someone I'm not and they can't get it through their thick skulls that it isn't going to happen XD

I didn't start spring break yet. Still 2 more weeks .-. Lol
Mar 25, 2015 by Care :D parents took all of my electronics away on a 4 day weekend .-. I annoyed the heck out of my parents lol. I also hope that I get another metal this year at guard championships. There is going to be 5 other guards in our class and only 1st,2nd, and 3rd get a metal. It would be awesome if I got another metal this year :) and now I'm officially lost in history class. Then again I always am lol. How have you been? :)
Mar 23, 2015 by Care :D
Gee lol thanks!!!! :)
Mar 23, 2015 by Care :D