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Wall for Sophisticles (page 5)

Classic teachers XD

I'm glad that break is still going for me :)...for only one more day .-. After that I'll have no more freedom. I am SO not looking forward to going back to school that's for sure XD before break I literally had a test for pretty much every single subject. I definitely bombed the history and science tests but for once, I actually did well on a algebra test :) I'm glad that we are going to be starting a new unit on Monday because I literally forget everything that I learned the second I walked out that door lol. Same old same old :/. But I am looking forward to seeing my friends again...or atleast most of them XD late April fools!!
Apr 12, 2015 by Care :D
It's great, has fun people, and very helpful.
Apr 11, 2015 by Blaze252935
My mom wants me to do something "productive" over break and she wants me to read a book with her. When she found out that I actually liked it she makes fun of me .-. XD. Anyways, how have you been?
Apr 11, 2015 by Care :D
because Greninja is Ubers in Smogon XD I thought you'd get the joke!
Apr 10, 2015 by Keromatsu
Sableye reminds me of a gremlin from the movie of the same name.
Apr 10, 2015 by Toucanadian
Who needs a social life when you can be an Otaku?
Apr 10, 2015 by Sempi
need new anime? here you go!
full metal alchemist
blue excorsist
death note
one piece
sword art online
the devil is a part timer
black butler
deadman wonderland
arpeggio of blue steel
Apr 9, 2015 by mailjiggly
YESS  I IS EVOLVED!! LOL YAAAY I will be banned from the chat when I evolve again...
Apr 9, 2015 by Keromatsu
I'm Christian too
Apr 9, 2015 by Blaze252935
"Primeape4President" is an in-joke :)
Apr 7, 2015 by Toucanadian