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Wall for Sophisticles (page 5)

Thanks Sophisticles :D
Apr 27, 2015 by Toucanadian
Me too XD sleeping=life. Oh and btw in school I found out that in order to pass history class I had to get a 85 or higher in the 4th marking period and on the regents. It is basically impossible for me to do since I SUCK at it so "yay" for summer school .-. And I also have to get a 68 as well for Spanish which is doable :) and yesterday in school, I had a fire drill when my bus got to school and when I got back on the bus, idk how but I fell and shattered my iPhone. Then I was thinking like oh crap I'm probably going to get grounded for life. When I got home and told them, I was actually shocked because they actually weren't mad at me. They took me to apple and I got it fixed :). Btw how have you been doing? XD
Apr 25, 2015 by Care :D
Ha funny XD I can't wait until school is over lol. Spring break went by way too fast. I want summer vacation to last forever :P
Apr 17, 2015 by Care :D
Nice ;o
Apr 15, 2015 by Luscinia
Ha late April fools XD

Hehe I have 9 weeks left of school :P I get to sit back and relax while you are still in school :D spring break went by too fast. I want it back XD
Apr 15, 2015 by Care :D
np Arcazues' new name is TwoStepsFromHell
Apr 14, 2015 by Luscinia
You Know Arcazues and Astronautical are 2 different people right?
Apr 14, 2015 by Luscinia
Check out my new profile =)
Apr 14, 2015 by Blaze252935
Daaang I only just noticed that dank grav you have there :0
Apr 13, 2015 by Qwerty_Zoom
Sometime between 3 and 10 o'clock EST
Apr 12, 2015 by Blaze252935