Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Stephwheel8 (page 45)

(Yay people are reading this now)
It all starts with 1 person ;)))
Jan 27, 2021 by Hoenndragon
I reached the character limit, so i have to remove some things. Here they are if anyone needs them.

How is Mew (a very creative name) the ancestor of all Pokémon if it can’t breed?

When you infiltrate Team Rocket’s secret base because of a cubone.

If you go to any Bulbapedia article that isn’t a stub, and click on any internal link that isn’t in italics or parentheses, and keep doing that, you will always end up in the Canada page. (Thank you to sumwun for putting this on your profile. It’s a great gender).

“Fun fact: battle bond greninja is the only Pokemon that is not under the "shiny lock" but still can never be shiny” (thank you GmaxWaluigi)

Fun fact about me: I like HMs. They’re pretty cool.

Pronouncing FBI would say Phoebe. Just like how SwSh would say swish.

Apparently you can beat Leon with a team of level 1 Gastlies with the right breeding, items, and strategies. However, they will not stay level 1 for long.

You can also beat Leon with a single Magikarp as well.

Snom is an ice-type Pyukumuku, and Pincurchin is an electric-type one.

Turning the m in Snom upside-down would make it a w, and make Snow.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if Eevee evolved into a Pokémon called Luncheon?

Why is Absol a dark type if it just wanted to warn everyone?

Zangoose and Seviper, which are rivals, can breed together.

Why is Alolan Sandshrew still SANDshrew? I kind of get why, but they should be Snowshrews.

Vulpix are born white and with one tail. So are Alolan Vulpix born red-orange? Or do Kantonian ones become red-orange because of some sort of heat or sunlight?

Cubone wear the skull of their dead mother. But if you breed for one, the Cubone still have that skull anyway, and the mother is clearly alive.

And what if a Marowak had more than one child?

Team Skull wore masks before it was popular.
Jan 27, 2021 by Stephwheel8
Out of context Quote: “The giant pink egg is pathetic.
Jan 26, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
XD, Zekrom is new to Pokebase, and he is only early 11, so things like that can get confusing.
Jan 26, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
“yummy”-someone who ate them

there is something so incredibly funny about this, I’m not quite sure what.
Jan 26, 2021 by BottomlessSea
Wow, creepy.
Jan 25, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
Darkrai does not grant you permission to enter the void. Now LEAVE!!! Ha ha ha!

Also, wut's a Cakyrex?
Jan 25, 2021 by Mr. Fish
Double yes
Jan 25, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
Double Grav
Jan 25, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
Jan 25, 2021 by themodernage