At least check out muh DA :)
Feb 3, 2016
I will go answer the question I asked asap, but I'd like to say this:
The current situation has dawned on me the fact that I might indeed be a bit too old to stay on this particular site, mostly due to a big gap in the age between the average user and yours truly.
Thus, as with a different age also come different ideas and expectations, I've decided to quit this site momentarily, so to look for one where I won't be roughly a decade older than most users and won't be restricted to specific topics for my discussions.
See you guys soon,
Feb 3, 2016
As has been established before, what defines an opinion question is, unhelpfully, left to one's own discretion. So my opinion might not speak for the rest of the mods, but the way I see is that just because it doesn't have one clear answer doesn't make it opinion question. Assuming an answer can be made that supports its information similar to how your post does, the "best answer" the system aims to gain can be achieved, and therefore it's a valid question. So yes, I think the post can be left up. The flags have already been cleared, which indicates another mod or editor has given the OK as well.
Dec 15, 2015