Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Toucanadian (page 11)

Also, about the replay. Nope, sorry. I didn;t save it. I had forfeited before, and happen to run into quite on accident, so I was just like "Why not battle?" and he was like "yea, okay."  And so neither of us saved, or at least, I didn't. Sorry about that.

Also, thanks a BUNCH for keeping track of the replays. I thought I'd do that, but didn't get around to it. I might be off-site for a bit, so please continue to keep track of the tourney! Thanks a lot! :D

Also, whaddya think of it? Want to give competitive a shot the next time? I think it'd be fun to battle against you :D
Jan 30, 2017 by Emty
Wait do you really own a Shi Tzu? I was going through my Wall and I was like ..... wut?!
Jan 30, 2017 by Emty
Also, what the heck is your Gravatar? It's scary o.0
Jan 27, 2017 by Emty
Right, good luck! Random Korean YT FTW.

Out of curiosity, what was it about?
Jan 27, 2017 by Emty
Astrocannon was that a stream for Overwatch? I'm sorry, but I can't get the link to open, either because it was
a) a live stream
b) inaccessible where I live,
so there's that :/
I googled the link and got this video (I think it's in Korean, so....) :

Also, live streams are wasted on me :( Timezone issues.
Jan 27, 2017 by Emty
Lately I've been averaging like 21-2 games with McCree which is great and skin-wise I use Default Winston, Ra Zenyatta and Lake McCree. Opened 3 loot boxes not so long ago got Industrial Zarya and Islander Roadhog outta 2 of them which was pretty nice.
Jan 27, 2017 by Lorna Shore
I personally main McCree,  Winston and Zenyatta so it is pretty great to hear that you're a Zenyatta main because on console they seem to be non-existential, it's all Lucios and Mercys. I've been meaning to get into playing a bit more Genji as when I first started Genji was all I played but then I fell out of love with him when I started getting better with McCree.
Jan 26, 2017 by Lorna Shore
I'm sorry for the completely out of the blue post but I was trawling through db and heard some mention that you play Overwatch, if so what characters do you main?
Jan 25, 2017 by Lorna Shore
Not in recent years, no. I think I've used this particular name since 2013, and then at least some variation of it pretty much since I first used the site. I can't remember what name I actually registered with, though.
Jan 25, 2017 by Fizz
I understand. To be honest, about 4 hours after I posted, I realized that I myself don't have an email  I use frequently, so I was about to ask you to ignore that, but I wasn't sure if you'd seen it.

Anyway, let's forget about that. Tell me, do you take requests? Also, do you draw Overwatch characters? If yes, I'd love to submit a Request (too broke for commissions lol)

Astrocannon > Every other possibility. Listen to Rick.
Jan 24, 2017 by Emty