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Wall for siegfriedsystem (page 6)


Yuya Sakaki


I think my brain broke
Dec 9, 2022 by Gau
genius invokation is awakening my inner yuya sakaki
Dec 9, 2022 by siegfriedsystem


(dramatic voice) I have gone by many names... Flower, Sun, Sunny, FS, Glazio, GK, Gladion, Aether, GA, Giru (which is apparently the longest-lasting name), Ruku/Rūku, Fenton, Dani, FF, Yuya, Goggles, Strawberry Shortcake, Pogo, Kira, some other stuff that was used like one time each, and Pika. As for what to call me, I am honestly unsure too. XD

Anyway, how've you been?
Dec 9, 2022 by Gau
hello internet
Dec 5, 2022 by siegfriedsystem
Oct 12, 2022 by BM™
Oct 9, 2022 by Gau
been pmaying alpha sapphire a LOT!!! i love u yaoyao the shroomish
Oct 9, 2022 by siegfriedsystem
hi i have. Returned
Oct 9, 2022 by siegfriedsystem
Sep 10, 2022 by BM™
Ah. Like more detail, a source that seems more up-to-date, or something else?

(the better question would be why I'm so dang curious but I guess it's because I gotta do something in-between going "OMG POGO CAVEBOY HUGGETH!!11!!1!11!one!!11!!1!" and whining about video games)
Aug 17, 2022 by Gau