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Wall for siegfriedsystem (page 5)

I love the Saiyans' tails so much I don't know why but it's silly and adorable. It's a shame they don't really have them anymore. Props to Shallot for having a tail because... reasons. Spex explained it I think but I forget what exactly he said. Regardless, it feels like the anime goes out of its way to de-tail all the Saiyans. Goku? Ripped/cut off repeatedly before being permanently removed. Gohan? Ripped/cut off repeatedly. Vegeta? Cut off. Goten and Trunks? As far as I'm aware, never had one. What's the point of a unique, strangely endearing trait like that if you're just gonna take Yajirobe's sword and slice it out of existence? Or, y'know, have the Saiyans breed it out of existence. Whichever comes first. I swear, they're reduced the monkey tail people to... monkey-less tail-less people. It saddens me.

But Shallot.
Apr 13, 2023 by Gau
I just might someday. Can't go wrong with more Dragon Ball, especially when it's free.

I genuinely forgot what Shallot looks like. I mean I sorta recall but not completely. I think I thought (wow so reliable) that he looked cool though and now I am exceedingly curious. I should check.
Apr 12, 2023 by Gau
Imagine not having played Dragon Ball Legends and naming yourself after the protagonist of Dragon Ball Legends. Couldn't be me (yes it could because I did).

Also don't listen to Blackout, I know who he is. He's a Saiyan and the protagonist of Dragon Ball Legends. So there!!1!!1!1
Apr 12, 2023 by Gau
"Shallot!!??!?!??! As in the DBL protagonist?!?!?!?!!!!!@"

Yup. Although ironically, Giru has no idea who he is.
Apr 12, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Yep, good luck! :3

Also little Gohan cries a lot and it's very endearing.
Apr 11, 2023 by Gau
of course i remember! how could i forget :)
its been a REALLY long time since we talk huh, how are ya?
also sorry for late respond :"
Apr 10, 2023 by Chaos481
Thank you! I just finished Dragon Ball last night and I'll be moving on to Z tonight, so I'm making progress (just slowly)! It really is kinda amazing to me how much Dragon Ball there is. I suppose it's unsurprising as Dragon Ball is so popular, but still. If I decide to watch all of it, I'll certainly be here for a while, especially since it's still going last I heard. What a complex universe!
Apr 9, 2023 by Gau
Seems neat! Funnily enough, my mom stumbled across it the other day but I didn't know what it was called until yesterday. She showed me some images and I failed to identify some of the characters (unsurprising since I haven't even finished the original series yet) so now that's eating at me. Ah, I have so much Dragon Ball left to discover...

I once called Gohan hot (ironically I think we might both be referring to the same Gohan). In my defense, he was sitting in front of a fire, so he probably was. In all seriousness it seems I don't think straight late at night because it wouldn't be the last time I uttered something bizarre like that for no apparent reason while playing Kakarot.
Apr 9, 2023 by Gau
I *tried* using Toon Link, and I just can't, he's so small, doesn't do a lot of damage, and dies easily
Apr 8, 2023 by BM™
Very fun! My mains have changed a lot over the years, from Pit --> Lucario --> Greninja --> Corrin --> Captain Falcon --> Pyra/Mythra.

The girls are the only sword fighters I've become seriously good at, and they're very fun
Apr 8, 2023 by BM™