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Wall for siegfriedsystem (page 5)

"Shallot!!??!?!??! As in the DBL protagonist?!?!?!?!!!!!@"

Yup. Although ironically, Giru has no idea who he is.
Apr 12, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Yep, good luck! :3

Also little Gohan cries a lot and it's very endearing.
Apr 11, 2023 by Gau
of course i remember! how could i forget :)
its been a REALLY long time since we talk huh, how are ya?
also sorry for late respond :"
Apr 10, 2023 by Chaos481
Thank you! I just finished Dragon Ball last night and I'll be moving on to Z tonight, so I'm making progress (just slowly)! It really is kinda amazing to me how much Dragon Ball there is. I suppose it's unsurprising as Dragon Ball is so popular, but still. If I decide to watch all of it, I'll certainly be here for a while, especially since it's still going last I heard. What a complex universe!
Apr 9, 2023 by Gau
Seems neat! Funnily enough, my mom stumbled across it the other day but I didn't know what it was called until yesterday. She showed me some images and I failed to identify some of the characters (unsurprising since I haven't even finished the original series yet) so now that's eating at me. Ah, I have so much Dragon Ball left to discover...

I once called Gohan hot (ironically I think we might both be referring to the same Gohan). In my defense, he was sitting in front of a fire, so he probably was. In all seriousness it seems I don't think straight late at night because it wouldn't be the last time I uttered something bizarre like that for no apparent reason while playing Kakarot.
Apr 9, 2023 by Gau
I *tried* using Toon Link, and I just can't, he's so small, doesn't do a lot of damage, and dies easily
Apr 8, 2023 by BM™
Very fun! My mains have changed a lot over the years, from Pit --> Lucario --> Greninja --> Corrin --> Captain Falcon --> Pyra/Mythra.

The girls are the only sword fighters I've become seriously good at, and they're very fun
Apr 8, 2023 by BM™
Hug the Goku he small

Oh goodness Goten is adorable he looks just like his dad but he's younger and I love him and I want to pat his head. Though I will admit that I threw an extreme tantrum when I saw the haircut he gets when he's older. It's fine, I guess, but not on Goten it ruins his looks. ;-;
Regardless he's one of the cutest kids in Dragon Ball who deserves hugs. Gohan was adorable when he was small too I could hardly believe it.

Haha, neat! The games got me interested in Dragon Ball too, except they were on my GBA emulator (shoot I probably already said that). I don't think I've heard of Dragon Ball Legends before (which isn't saying much as I hadn't heard of any of the Dragon Ball games before I started playing them), what's it like?

Thank you! It really is fun to wholeheartedly embrace a new interest, even if it doesn't last that long.
Apr 8, 2023 by Gau
Yes! I love Smash dude it's so competitive (my main is Pyra/Mythra and I'm trying to pick up Lucina as a secondary)
Apr 7, 2023 by BM™
It is funny
Apr 7, 2023 by Mr. Fish