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Wall for trachy (page 21)

Good UB control cards continue with Ulamog's Nullifier, which is basically a flying version of Mystic Snake. Will undoubtedly see play.

Spawn of Akoum is just one mana away from being constructed playable. As it is, six is a bit too expensive. Still will be a very easy first pick in limited, such a bomb.
Sep 9, 2015 by trachy
Hard to say if Bring to Light will be any good. It seems like mainly a modern card. Will Living End be fine with waiting two more turns to play Living End with the upside of being able to play cards with cmc of less than 3?
Sep 9, 2015 by trachy
It's interesting how you're rank #3 in all 3 sections.
Sep 9, 2015 by sumwun
Not very many interesting spoilers today (besides the always fantastic art from Noah Bradley) except for Smothering Abomination, which I am probably going to put into my Mardu Aristocrats deck.
Sep 8, 2015 by trachy
3 Hypno
4 Drowzee
2 Mr. Mime
4 Slowpoke
2 Dodrio
3 Doduo
4 The Rocket's Trap
4 Imposter Professor Oak's Revenge
4 Rocket's Sneak Attack
4 Bill
3 Item Finder
2 Super Energy Removal
1 Misty's Wrath
1 Computer Search
1 Resistance Gym
18 Psychic Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy
Sep 8, 2015 by trachy
Kiora, Master of the Depths: She seems solid enough, and her ultimate is fantastic. However, the main impediment to her success is the current lack of a good UG shell to put her in. It's unsure whether or not such a deck will occur in Standard, or if we'll continue to see Abzan continuing to dominate.

Ob Nixilis Reignited: Much better than originally though, since his ult reads whenever a player draws rather than Underworld Dreams. So Nekusar is going to love this guy in EDH. As for Standard, he's card advantage, removal, and a win condition wrapped in one. Seems very strong to me. Being mono-colored is sure to help him, and I would expect to see him in most control builds.

Undergrowth Champion: I'm unimpressed with this guy. He should be good in limited, but I don't think he'll break through into Standard. Personally, I prefer Managorger Hydra.

Conduit of Ruin: Now this is awesome. First off, it tutors your giant Eldrazi 7/8/9 drop, then cheapens it so you can play it next turn. And yeah, all your first creatures each turn are now cheaper to cast. Seems very powerful for only six mana.

Desolation Twin: Probably won't make it into Standard since Ulamog will probably be the better choice at 10 mana. However, this feels so big. I've always loved casting Wingmate Roc and Broodmate Dragon. Having two 10/10s feels great, especially since one of them is essentially uncounterable.

Stasis Snare: Very strong white removal. Essentially an instant speed Journey to Nowhere. Should see plenty of Standard play, especially if we see a decline in Enchantment removal due to the rotation of Theros block.

Scythe Leopard: It's no Steppe Lynx. Then again, not much is. That was an extremely pushed aggro common. But the Leopard should still see play in an aggro based mono-Green deck if one exists.

Nice to see the manland cycle finished.
Sep 7, 2015 by trachy
Scavenger of the Depths seems like a solid card. In limited, Deathtouch is going to be great with all the huge Eldrazi around, and it can help you bounce back in the late game. As for Standard, I can easily see this being a card that control likes. Deathtouch, instant speed card draw, and an alternate win condition with exiling makes this a very enticing card.
Sep 6, 2015 by trachy
Warp Point over a Wartortle in Dance.
Sep 6, 2015 by trachy
Glad to hear that Martin O'Donnell won his legal battle against Bungie/Activision. Dude is one of the best composers in the industry, really only beaten by Darren Korb imo. The Halo soundtrack remains one of my favorite video game soundtracks, especially the fantastic One Final Effort score.
Sep 5, 2015 by trachy
I don't really think Ob is a fail, I just think it was a huge missed opportunity. Agreed on the +1, and I think he should be -2 or -3 to destroy target elemental, it can't be regenerated. Destroys awakened lands, which is literally destroying  parts of Zendikar.
Sep 3, 2015 by Ninja