@FT: i only didn't give Roost to Dactyl because its the only thing on this team with any REAL offensive capability, and its also not exactly famous for having amazing Bulk. Thunderbolt is super common, and with is low SDef, even non-STAB Tbolt wrecks Aerodactyl. i just didn't see Roost doing much good, and it would also make Aerodactyl susceptible to Earthquake for x2 damage, another common move that destroys it.
@B3N: that is true. But unless they Baton Pass a boost or Alakazam uses Calm Mind on me switching Sableye into it, Priority Taunt makes Alakazam unable to set up or Recover. Sableye doesn't have stellar Atk, but Alakazam has no Def either. once Taunted, and Wisp'd, Shadow Sneak does decent damage, around a 5 HKO by what I've seen. But once Taunt Wears off, i can just Priority Taunt again, then Priority Recover, and continue to Shadow Sneak until Alakazam eats it like Oprah at a Church's Chicken. Rocky Helmet also stops any Physical attackers since Wisp cripples their Atk, and they take 12.5% HP every time they attack, and Sableye can spam Priority Recover all day. BAM BIZNATCH!! lol