Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey there, welcome to my new OU team. I have been working on this for about two weeks now, and am really pleased with the result. I wanted to make a team around Sharpedo, who can really dent the opponent's team, as well as getting Speed Boosts to cover for Dragon Dancers, especially Gyrarados, Dragonite and Salamence. My lead as you can see is Metabaws, and I have gone for a slightly unusual set; Toxic Stall. The reason I haven't put any Speed EV's on this baws is because I only want to Trick on Leads and Hazard Setters such as Ferrothorn and Forretress. So, enough talk, lez' get to the team!

The Team

enter image description here enter image description here
Metal (Metagross) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Clear Body
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 20 Def / 252 HP / 236 SDef
Careful Nature

  • Stealth Rock
  • Trick
  • Toxic
  • Protect
    enter image description here enter image description here
    Plug (Rotom-Wash) @ Leftovers
    Trait: Levitate
    Shiny: Yes
    EVs: 64 SDef / 252 HP / 128 SAtk / 64 Def
    Serious Nature

  • Volt Switch

  • Hydro Pump
  • Substitute
  • Pain Split
    enter image description here enter image description here
    Doom (Sharpedo) (M) @ Expert Belt
    Trait: Speed Boost
    Shiny: Yes
    EVs: 68 HP / 252 Atk / 188 Spd
    Adamant Nature

  • Waterfall

  • Crunch
  • Substitute
  • Earthquake
    enter image description here enter image description here
    Yoshi (Dragonite) (M) @ Choice Scarf
    Trait: Multiscale
    Shiny: Yes
    EVs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spd
    Adamant Nature

  • Outrage

  • ExtremeSpeed
  • Fire Punch
  • Earthquake
    enter image description here enter image description here
    Psycho (Alakazam) (M) @ Life Orb
    Trait: Magic Guard
    Shiny: Yes
    EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
    Timid Nature

  • Hidden Power [Fire]

  • Psyshock
  • Energy Ball
  • Shadow Ball
    enter image description here enter image description here
    Dude (Terrakion) @ Leftovers
    Trait: Justified
    Shiny: Yes
    EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
    Jolly Nature

  • Swords Dance

  • Substitute
  • Stone Edge
  • Close Combat


    Well, I hope you enjoyed viewing my RMT. I have to say, it has been the best team I have ever made, and has peaked to about 1500'ish on the Smogon OU Ladder. I think (at least) that it has pretty good synergy and great potential to win battles. So once again, thanks for reading, and hope you like it! Thanks once more.


    Wins: 67
    Losses: 4
    Opponent Forfeits: 17
    My Forfeits: 2 (Both because I had to go to Dinner XD)
    Draws: 2

If you put the nick names of the 2 pokemon in a row it makes funny names :}

Metal plug
Doom Yoshi
Psycho Dude

Good team Flare!
LOL PX That nicknames
Is dragonite's nickname yoshi because of the April fools thing years ago?

1 Answer

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Best answer

I don't know what ladder you're on but that is an insane record. Granted I never battle that long because I don't have the time, I've never had a team go that well. Anyway, I barely have time to do anything these days so let's get down to this :L

Metagross - I have actually been meaning to try Choice Scarf Metagross but I'm pretty sure this isn't the set you want. I am going to sugest you turn him into a bulky rock setter as it give him the ability to hit back, which he does not currently posess, and it will also make it so that under some cirumstance you would to be able to use Trick, you would either end up locking yourself into Stealth Rock or be forced to switch, which is not the best situation. the set I am going to suggest is from Smogon, but I think you'll find it will be easy enough to use and will provide offensive and defensive results alike.

Metagross @ Leftovers
Trait: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP / 96 Atk / 160 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake/Hammer Arm
- Pursuit

Rocks are obvious, Meteor Mash hits really hard even though Meta has little Atk investment, your choice of Earthquake or Hammer Arm will be your anti-steel type move, and Pursuit allows Metagross to come in on things such as the Lati twins, Celebi, and Gengar, who can't touch him most of the time, and as they run away to put in something that can touch Meta, you can knock them out or do a large chunk of damage as they switch.

Rotom-W - I see how you've come about getting your EV spread here and TBH I don't like it. Splitting the EVs in half (Half into SAtk half into defensive stats) doesn't really benefit you as much as it may seem. I used to do that a lot too and I found that it is quicker and more effective to get a spread from Smogon, as Smogon's sets are specifically tailored for certain roles. otherwise excessive experimentaion is the best way to get a good EV spread. Just thought I'd throw that in there. Anyway, your team kind of lacks any special attacking presence so I am going to turn Rotom into more of an offensive Rotom seeing as Meta went with a bulky attacker set.

Rotom-W @ Choice Specs
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Trick

Rather straight forward, it's pretty much the standard Specs set for Washy but with a little bit of Ben spunk in HP Fire, which usually OHKO's standard bulky Ferrothorn and deals catastrophic damage to any more Specially Defensive variants.

Sharpedo - Sharpedo is one of my favorite pokemon. Base 125 Attack and access to Speed Boost make him a very potent sweeper. One thing I see is that you are going for bulk, and if there is one thing Sharpedo doesn't do it's be bulky. Make his EVs 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd and think about replacing Substitute for Protect, so you can raise your speed in the face of faster threats. Also think about Ice Fang > Earthquake to hit Dragon types like Garchomp, Salamence, and Dragonite. Note that if you run Protect you will want a Life Orb.

Dragonite - I myself have thought about Scarfing a Dragonite, but it outside of bulk, Dragonite is outclassed in both Speed and Attacking stats by it's younger brother Salamence. Salamence also has an exceptional ability that complements Scarfers very well in Moxie. Standard ScarfMence will do well here.

Alakazam - I see noting wrong with it and if it works then keep it up ^-^

Terrakion - Once more everything is dandy, consider a Salac Berry tho ;)

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Thanks a freaking ton, Ben, XD.
You're freaking welcome Flare :P
Freaking LOLOLOLOLOL, Ben :P