Ability- Overgrow
Item- Light Clay
Ev's: 252Hp/252SpD/4SpA
Calm Nature
Light Screen|Reflect|Synthesis|Giga Drain

Ability- Torrent
Item- Life Orb
Ev's: 252Hp/252Atk/4SpD
Adamant Nature
Swords Dance|Waterfall|Aqua Jet|X-Scissor

Ability- Hustle
Item- Life Orb
Ev's: 4Hp/252Atk/252Spe
Jolly Nature
Hone Claws|Poison Jab|Sucker Punch|Head Smash

Ability- Speed Boost
Item- Choice Specs
Ev's: 252SpA/150Spe/106Hp
Modest Nature
Bug Buzz|Hidden Power (ice)|Air Slash|Giga Drain

Ability- Moxie
Item- Life Orb
Ev's: 252Atk/252Spe/4Hp
Jolly Nature
Crunch|Pursuit|Earthquake|Stone Edge

Ability- Magic Guard
Ev's: 252Hp/252Def/4SpD
Bold Nature
Calm mind|Psychic|Recover|Shadow Ball
Honestly, I just scrolled down the list and said this looks good this looks good and so on. I won't say the ev spreads are mine, cause i doubt it. I can sure tell you i didnt look on Smogon for them. I just kind of guessed what would be good and went with it. I need something to replace with Yanma, if you have any tips, let me know Thank you!