Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

So hello there, I'm Flare and I'm bringing you up to date with my best RMT yet, and I've been working on this for weeks. So it's based around some pretty good Pokemon sets, which I'd never heard of before, Scarftar, and the Bromoongus core and the SpecsGar which has been proven to be extremely horrible to opponents :D also something which I didn't know of before. So I guess it's fair to say this team has the Bromoongus core in it :3 I really love this team. I really do. It's nothing like what my team was originally, and fun fact, it was a Sun Team before xD. So I don't want to type too much anymore, here's the team!

Bromoongus Defensive Core

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Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 28 SAtk / 228 SDef
Calm Nature

  • Spore
  • Giga Drain
  • Hidden Power [Fire]
  • Clear Smog

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Slowbro @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 232 Def / 24 SAtk
Bold Nature

  • Scald
  • Psychic
  • Slack Off
  • Thunder Wave

These two Pokemonz form a really effective core, which is called the Bromoongus core. They have near perfect synergy, and I can't really find a check to it, except for Ben's beloved Weavile :P So anyway, let's start of with Amoongus.

Amoongus is my special wall, and does it's job nicely. Spore is to fodder incoming switches, and shut's out threats switching in. Giga Drain is for a nice STAB and healing move. Hidden Power Fire > Hidden Power Ice, as Amoongus seemed to be attracting stuff like Ferrothorn and Forretress to set up on it. And last but not least, Clear Smog to shut out stuff like Gyarados and other stat boosters. Amoongus' SpA EV's ensure it can break a Keldeo's +2 CM Sub 100% of the time, credit to Smogon for these EV's.

Slowbro is the counterpart Physical wall, and is really great at it's job. Scald is for having a Water Type STAB move, as well as the 30% burning chance proves to be really effective and shut's out some Pokemon that are troublesome. Psychic is my dual STAB, and hit's pretty well to Pokemon which suffer from Super-Effective. Thunder Wave is great for my team, which is really slow and Slack Off for really reliable 50% recovery.
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Tyranitar @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Jolly Nature

  • Stone Edge
  • Pursuit
  • Superpower
  • Crunch

Inducer of Sand is my Scarfed Tyranitar. Such a good revenge killer, and with the Scarf and Jolly Nature, it's faster than Gengar and all that stuff (Alakazam -_-) It's a really unexpected set and until now hasn't failed to get me a good KO/OHKO. Stone Edge is for STAB and really good coverage, and yeah. Pursuit > Ice Beam because I'm a nub, and it hits stuff like Glengarry if it's scared. Superpower is for really good coverage on stuff like Terrakion and hit's Gengar hard in a switch, in case I'm locked into it. Crunch is my second STAB, and near great coverage.
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Heatran @ Air Balloon
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 200 Spd / 56 HP
Timid Nature

  • Fire Blast
  • Earth Power
  • Hidden Power [Ice]
  • Stealth Rock

Offensive Heatran is really important for this team to function, and also provides me with Ground resistance provided I still have my Air Balloon on me :3 I've made it rather speedy, as it doesn't function well enough with low speed, and stuff like Breloom is annoying when it Spore's me into a fodder. Fire Blast is easily the strongest move on this, denting anything it hits, hard, Earth Power gives me coverage against other Trans, and nice coverage overall, Hidden Power Ice makes sure I have something to hit Dragons with, and Stealth Rock is needed for my team to successfully sweep.
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Scizor @ Iron Plate
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 244 HP / 12 Spd
Adamant Nature

  • Swords Dance
  • Bullet Punch
  • Bug Bite
  • Baton Pass

Um, yeah. I'm so nub :D Yeah, face it. I use Swords Dance Scizor, but I'll tell you it works like a boss. The Iron Plate is a pseudo Band, as it hits stuff like Tyranitar surprisingly hard. The 12 Spe EV's > 8 because everybody uses 8 nowadays. Swords Dance boosts my attack to epic levels, paired with Bullet Punch and Iron Plate, it creates havoc. Bullet Punch with the Tech, Plate, STAB and SDance is wrecking balls. Bug Bite is another good STAB against Pokemons, and my Celebi hitter. Baton Pass** let's me pass to Tyranitar in case of a threat coming up.
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Gengar @ Choice Specs
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature

  • Hidden Power [Ice]
  • Shadow Ball
  • Thunderbolt
  • Focus Blast

Dis guy, hit's like a boss. Here are some calcs to prove it's awesomeness:

252SpAtk Choice Specs Gengar (Neutral) Shadow Ball vs 252HP/252SpDef Leftovers Celebi (+SpDef): 70% - 83% (284 - 336 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.

252SpAtk Choice Specs Gengar (Neutral) Shadow Ball vs 252HP/0SpDef Leftovers Levitate Latias (Neutral): 86% - 102% (314 - 372 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 13% chance to OHKO.

252SpAtk Choice Specs Gengar (Neutral) Hidden Power (Ice) vs 4HP/0SpDef Leftovers Multiscale Dragonite (Neutral): 70% - 83% (228 - 272 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.

252SpAtk Choice Specs Gengar (Neutral) Focus Blast vs 252HP/252SpDef Leftovers Ferrothorn (+SpDef): 72% - 85% (254 - 300 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.

This is just to demonstrate how powerful it is. Hidden Power Ice is for hitting Dragons, as you can see above, does 70-83% damage to a Dragonite with Multiscale intact, Shadow Ball hit's everything really hard, and a nice STAB, Thunderbolt is nice coverage against things, although I might swap this for something else, idk what. Focus Blast is for hitting Ferrotress and other stuff like that :D

edited by
I can't believe it all fit xD
unlike your mo-

:P seriously good post man
This looks pretty solid Flare, nice job. Can't seem to find many major threats (maybe I;m not looking hard enough) but one that stands out is Rotom-W. You may have switch ins for its Hydro Pumps which leave a massive dent in 4/6 Pokemon, however the only switch ins are just stupidly slow meaning that it can volt switch straight out to something advantageous. If it doesn't Volt Switch it can burn Ammoungus your only decent counter to it.
Thanks Blob, I'll look into that :)
Once Gengar is gone you might have trouble with scarf Landorus, and Infernape can hit pretty much everything on the team for SE damage besides Gengar, which is completely demolished by Overheat (Even with no SAtk EVs, think about what a max Atk Flare Blitz would do.). Albeit Nape isn't that common, if you happen to run into one, good luck, as standard physical nape (Uturn, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Mach Punch) has a hay day.
SubKazam. Bromoongus fears him dearly.

Also, you might wanna consider possibly Pursuit > Ice Punch on TTar, because it really has no use outside of dragons (which all OU dragons have a weakness to your other moves on TTar. You'd really only be hitting stuff like Breloom for heavy damage, and possibly not KO and risk dying to  a +2 Mach Punch.

Also, Speedy Heatran is nice, but i seem to see that you are mostly using him as a counter to things such as Breloom. Honestly, that is a little bit too many Spd EVs. I'm gonna suggest that you run an EV spread to outspeed all positive Base 70 Speed  pokemons, and add the rest in HP, to cushion up attacks a little bit.

EVs: 252 SAtk / 200 Spd / 56 HP

This EV spread guarantees you outspeed any Base 70 Pokemon, and gives you a little bulk in HP. You can opt to change the 56 remaining EVs into whatever you'd like. Have fun with that guy.

Also, about Gengar... If you want to further counter Breloom, or just decide that the EV spread i suggested for Heatran isn't worth it, then you can go for a Specs Sleep Talk set. Not only does Breloom already have a hard time with Gengar, but this now allows Gengar to not only serve as a sweeper, but a Sleep Absorber. Thunderbolt really only provided coverage vs water types, who all of them wont appreciate a Specs Shadow Ball coming at them. So Sleep Talk > Thunderbolt if you want.
Looks like a good Sand Team.

I just have a few suggestions:

Amoonguss: You should take those 28 SpA EVs and put them into the SpD stat.

Slowbro: Psyshock can really hurt Tentacruel, but that's not really a problem is it?

Tyranitar: If you really want to use a Scarf set then it's a fine.

Heatran: There is a lack of physical attackers, Terrakion is a good Pokemon.

Terrakion @ Focus Sash
Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge

It can set up Rocks like Tran, but it can also keep them off the field with Taunt, as well as stopping status. It can hit hard and will almost have at least a turn on the field, unless hail is present. It also get the SpD boost from the sand.

Scizor: Ditch Baton Pass for something like Roost or Superpower.

Gengar: You could use Trick.
Cool team beats anything I can think of, lol. Also Once, he should keep the SpA EVs on Amoonguss, there is a good reason for those. You shouldn't argue with Smogon EVs anyway xD
Yeah, I've always maxed out the HP and Specially Defensive, but I didn't realize it could break that Keldeo sub.
You put superpower hits gengar's hard in a switch on t tar. I dont think that will hit gengar at all lol
@Ben: I haven't battled a Nape yet, I don't know what it can do to me xD
@Leboss: Hm yeah, I changed Pursuit on Ttar and the Tran EV's, I'm testing Sleep Talk on Glengarry
@Once: Terrakion :/ It kinds ruins synergy tbh.
@JarJar: Yeah. I'm not changing the SpA EV's :3
@Jona: lol xD I missed out on that.
Also, run 16 Spd > 12 Spd. Guarantees you outspeed other wannabe sneaky people as yourself in a Scizor battle. Also, Superpower / Roost  > Baton Pass.

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