Team Preview: 

So hey there, I'm Flare and I'm bringing you up to date with this new RMT. (I'm not going to say it's the best RMT I have made because that will be meaning I will be hearing a rant from Ben about how I say that on every RMT, despite the fact this is my best RMT yet) :P There, I said it indirectly. Happy enough now, Ben? :D So yeah, it's a pretty fun team to use, and doesn't fail to give me a good battle which I have fun in. I've tried to use stuff that I haven't used before, like the SubDDance Gyarados. I'd like to give a shout-out to Lb for helping me quite a bit with this team. I've tried to use a new format, hope you like it! :D
| The Blue
Gyarados @ Leftovers: I wanted to try something new, as I hadn't ever used this set before.
Trait: Moxie: This allows me to get more attack without having to use Dragon Dance again.
EVs: 88 HP / 168 Atk / 252 Spd: Standard BulkyDos EV's, I can't be hit by Rachi's Body Slam.
Adamant Nature: Gives me more attack, and the speed is covered up by Dragon Dance.
- Substitute: Gives me a free Dragon Dance or Attack when I need to set up.
- Dragon Dance: Boosts my Attack and Speed to epic levels, ready to sweep.
- Bounce: Gives me one turn of recovery, and STAB, good paralysis chance.
- Waterfall: Other STAB, hits stuff like Tyranitar and Heatran, and OHKO's after +1.
|The Green
Breloom @ Toxic Orb: Works really well with an offensive core alongside Gyarados.
Trait: Poison Heal: So that I can get HP back after using Substitute and Spore.
EVs: 12 HP / 244 Atk / 252 Spd: HP Ev's give me HP number 264 which means I can get equal Subs.
Adamant Nature: Gives me some great power, and speed isn't needed too much on this.
- Substitute: Allows me to set up Focus Punch and hit hard.
- Focus Punch: Works great with Spore and Substitute, and that powah :D
- Seed Bomb: Another STAB, hit's everything Focus Punch doesn't.
- Spore: Let's me do everything on this set more freely and I can't get damaged.
|The Gold
Jirachi @ Leftovers: Stealth Rock setter, and counter check to many things.
Trait: Serene Grace: Gives all my moves more probablity of being bosses and haxing :D
EVs: 216 HP / 48 SAtk / 244 SDef: 48 SpA EV's allow me to OHKO Scizor, and become a good SpD wall.
Sassy Nature: Boosts my special defensive capabilities to the maximum.
- Hidden Power [Fire]: Main check to Ferrotress and OHKO's Scizor with EV's.
- Stealth Rock: Provides a more offensive presence to my team, easier to sweep.
- Thunderbolt: Hit's stuff like Starmie, Tentacruel and the Jelly on switch-ins.
- Iron Head: Flinching stuff to death is how I like to (t)roll :D
| The Grey
Salamence @ Choice Scarf: My trusty scarfer, and best late-game cleaner, in my opinion.
Trait: Moxie: 2nd Moxie sweeper, and gives it's Outrage a bit more anger.
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd: Standard Physical Attacking EV's with 4 SpA for Fire Blast.
Naive Nature: So that I don't drop Fire Blast's power around.
- Fire Blast: First move to use against Steel types and roasting them.
- Earthquake: Gives good coverage, and just a nice move in general :D
- Dragon Claw: First STAB, and nice accuracy and power. Good move.
- Outrage: This is the move to use once Steel Types are out of the way. Open sweeping.
| The Pink
Chansey (F) @ Eviolite: My dedicated Physical wall, and actually Special as well :3
Trait: Natural Cure: Allows me to switch into Toxic or WOW, then switch straight away.
EVs: 36 HP / 252 Def / 220 SDef: Gives me 325 wish passes and bulk in both defenses.
Bold Nature: Just gives me more defence to take some hits like a boss.
- Thunder Wave: Supports Breloom and Gyarados, both not a whole lot fast.
- Wish: Supports all my team mates, and gives Chansey some HP too.
- Protect: Scouting, and also getting Wish HP fulled up to da max.
- Seismic Toss: Does good damage to everything and anything (for Chansey at least).
| The Yellow
Alakazam @ Life Orb: This is my dedicated Special Sweeper, and for using at the end of the game.
Trait: Magic Guard: Provides me with immunity to anything non-attacking move.
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd: Standard special attacking spread, speed and power.
Serious Nature: Gives me more speed, and becomes one of the fastest non-scarf Pokemon in OU.