This is a team consisting if two very popular cores put together, in my hopes to be a "super core". It's CS but I have used it with success in regular ou so far.
Rotom w leftovers
Nature: modest
252 hp 100 def 56 sp atk 100 sp def
Ability: levitate
Will o wisp
Pain split
Volt switch
Hydro pump
Bulky attacker, supporter and rain check. All in one.
Heatran leftovers
252 hp 48 def 200 sp def 8 spd
Nature: calm
Ability: flash fire
Lava plume
Stealth rock
Support heatran. Stealth rock status, phazing, the works.
Celebi leftovers
252 hp 236 sp def 20 spd
Nature: calm
Ability: natural cure
Giga drain
Thunder wave
Special wall. Heatran/conkeldurr love paralysis support. Fighting check. Completes the celetran core.
Scizor choice band
252 hp 252 atk 4 sp def
Nature: adamant
Ability: technician
Bullet punch
U turn
Not much needed to say here. I think you've all seen a choice band scizor before.
Completes the little volt turn thing going on here.
Conkeldurr: leftovers
Evs: 132 hp 252 atk 124
Nature: adamant
Ability: guts/iron fist
Bulk up
Mach punch
Drain punch
Stone edge
The sweeper. Bulky, like his team mates, and with great power. He has proved himself quite the powerhouse in his battles so far. Stone edge is for volcarona, but also hits thundurus, dragonite and the like.
Hydreigon choice scarf (replaced by garchomp)
Evs: 4 atk 252 sp atk 252 spd
Nature: naive
Ability: levitate
Draco meteor
Dark pulse
That's the current roster. To be clear: THE NEXT POKEMON IS A FORMER MEMBER!
Former member
Garchomp: life orb
Evs: 4 hp 252 atk 252 spd
Nature: jolly
Ability: rough skin
Stone edge
Stealth rock
Well that's it. Open to all suggestions, comments, and criticism
I want to thank all you wonderful guys for your awesome advise.