Pokémon Rate My Team
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This is my team so far on OU

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Jelly Man (Reuniclus) @ Life Orb
Trait: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Quiet Nature
- Trick Room
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

enter image description here
Metallica (Scizor) @ Leftovers
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 44 Atk / 212 Spd
Careful Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Roost

enter image description here
Champion (Machamp) @ Lum Berry
Trait: No Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- DynamicPunch
- Ice Punch
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

enter image description here
WashingMachine (Rotom-Wash) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk
Bold Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

enter image description here
Dragon (Latios) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SDef
Calm Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Recover
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Substitute

enter image description here
Swamp Thing (Swampert) @ Leftovers
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 240 HP / 216 Def / 52 SDef
Relaxed Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake
- Scald

So far my team's really good on line but Machamp seems like dead weight but I need a good type coverage with high attack can anyone tell me what I should do I'll also accept any other changes but not Reuniclus he's my star player.

edited by
Good team. I have some suggestions. I agree your star player is fine the way it is but you could use a minor adjustment on Scizor. Replace bug bite with U-turn in order to switch out in style when a disadvantage comes it's way. Machamp is good and could work for your team in the long run too if you don't run into anything better. Rotom is excellent. Latios is good. But Swampert has issues. Never teach a Swampert special attack moves. Replace scald with waterfall (flinching) or dive (two turn move for dodging foe's two turn attacks), preferably waterfall. Ice beam can be replaced with a good fighting type move like hammer arm (useful for taking down defensive HP powerhouses like Chansey with eviolite and Blissey. Also give Swampert a life orb instead of leftovers to get much better results. You also have a major speed issue with your team. In the future pay more attention to teams compatible with choice scarves in the future. Good luck with the corrections.

Sincerely, Simon Stone
Please never suggest a 2 turn move in competitive battle. Ever.
All your opponent needs to do is switch to a Pokemon that's resistant/ immune, and you wasted 2 turns.

Also, look at Swampert's EVs before suggesting Life Orb.
If you think Machamp is a dead weight, try:
Mienshao @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Nature: Jolly/ Adamant
- Fake Out
- Hi-Jump Kick
- Stone Edge
- U-Turn
Also, I would make Rotom-W specially defensive. Swampert's already a physical tank.
Simon its clear from most of your answers that you dont truly know about competitive, as fondant already said giving swampert a Life Orb over Leftovers when its defensive is kind of redundant. Also running Scald and Ice Beam on it isnt that bad of a idea and in this case a better choice than Waterfall and Hammer Arm. Another thing is that since Scizor has Technician it will be doing more with Bug Bite than U-turn, and since he probably wont be staying in anyways on a pokemon that comes into a bug bite switching isnt a needed from U-Turn.
thanks for the help guys and i know about the speed issue that's why reuniclus has trickroom because i seee alot of fast pokemon so i can take advantage of it.
Don't use Scizor as a Trick Room sweeper

Use this set-

Scizor @ Scizorite
Nature - Adamant
Ability - Technician
EVs - 252 Att./252 HP/4 Def.

-Bullet Punch
-Swords Dance
-Bug Bite


The rest of your team looks fine

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