Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hello! I've been a lurker for years and made an account! My first post is this!

Alakazam@ Mega Stone
Nature: Modest
Ability: Synchronize
252 Sp.Atk/ 224 Spe/ 32 Hp
-Focus Blast
-Shadow Ball
-Hidden Power Ice/Fire/Grass

This is the Mega of my Team and it synergizes wonderfully with Pangoro. The Panda wrecks Dark and Ghosts types, while Alakazam zaps the Fighting types that dare oppose it! The Ev Spread is pretty standard and Modest for the extra power. Focus Blast to mutilate Dark Types and others from stopping it's sweep. Shadow Ball to deal with Ghost Types not named Gengar. Psychic is mandatory STAB, allowing me to hit Keldeo and Mega Venusaur. I don't know which Hidden Power type would be more beneficial, but I'm leaning towards Ice.

Talonflame!@ Sharp Beak
Jolly Nature
Ability: Gale Wings
252 Atk/ 212 Spe/ 40 Hp
-Brave Bird
-Flare Blitz
-Swords Dance
Talonflame is my priority, Cleaner, and Revenge Killer of the team. Jolly was chosen since I'm running SD. It also synergizes with Pangoro, mitigating his Fighting Weakness and a way to murder Mega Lopunny. The Ev spread is Optimized to outspeed +Base 120's, which is the highest I'll leave it. Brave Bird is the crux of the set, allowing it to work it's magic. Flare Blitz gives it a way to deal with Steel Types that think they can stop it. Swords Dance is to defeat Stallers, such a Mega Sableye and a way to reliably destroy Mega Venusaur if Alakazam is down. U-Turn forms the first part of my Triple Turn core. Sharp Beak for extra BB power.
Talonflame Covers: Fight, Steel, Bug, Grass, Ice

Nidoking@ Life Orb/ Choice Scarf
Timid Nature
Sheer Force
252 Sp.Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 Def
-Sludge Wave
-Earth Power
-Ice Beam
-Thunderbolt/ Fire Blast/ Flamethrower

Meet Nidoking, a major threat last Gen. I can't choose between the extra Speed or Power, for without Life Orb it can't score some KO's on Fairy types with Sludge Wave, but Scarf allows me to OHKO and outspeed Mega Manetric. Earth Power is for dealing with the Electric types Talonflame hates and STAB. Ice Beam has impeccable coverage as well as helping it combat it's Ground weakness. In the last slot I can't choose between those 3.
Nidoking Covers:FAIRY, Flying, Grass, Steel, Electric, Rock, Poison, Ground, Flying, Dragon,(not including slot #4)

Porygon2@ Eviolite
Bold Nature
Trace Ability
248 Hp/ 232 Def/ 24 Def/ 4 Sp.A
-Ice Beam
-Thunder Wave

Say hello! To the cute duck thing. Porygon2 is an amazing Physical Tank, with the ability to return fire well. Ice Beam is for the excellent coverage and ability to KO Dragon Type threats. Thunderbolt is the other half of the coverage and helps my next teammate wreck Water types. I chose Thunder Wave over Trick Room because instead of 5 turns it's an all match ailment, unless it can get healed. Recover to prolong it's adorable life. Eviolite for insta-tank. Really it doesn't care to attacks. You've got Focus Miss? I don't care. Miss all day while I flounce my Eviolite at your foolish attempts.
Porygon2 Covers: Flying, Dragon, Ground, Water, Grass

Rotom-W@ Lefties
Calm Nature
Ability: Levitate
248 Hp/ 216 Sp.Def/ 40 Def
-Volt Switch
-Pain Split
-Hydro Pump

Our loved Rotom-W. It synergizes sooo well with Porygon2. Porygon2 slows down fast threats, while Rotom Burns slow, powerful ones. Volt Switch forms the second part of my Triple Turn Core and a slow switch-in. Pain Split gives me nice healing ability and Will-O-Wisp for burning utility. Hydro Pump is it's mandatory attack. If you checked my team you'd see i had an uncovered Water and Ground weakness, so Rotom-W just...fit in!
Rotom-W Covers: Ground, Flying, Rock, Water

Pangoro@ Choice Band
Adamant Nature
Ability: Iron Fist
252 Hp/ 252 Atk/ 4 Sp.Def
-Hammer Arm
-Knock Off
-Ice Punch
-Parting Shot

Meet the Co-Star, Pangoro. It's incredible with Parting Shot and the Ultimate Goal is to soften up the opposition for Alakazam to sweep or for Talonflame to clean up and Parting Shot does that very well! Hammer Arm for the nifty Iron Fist boost and he's slow enough. Knock Off is for Utility and strong STAB. Ice Punch further patches up the weaknesses of the team and also gains the Iron Fist boost! The crux of this very set however, is Parting Shot. With the awesome ability to lower BOTH offenses and switch out.
Pangoro Covers: Ice, Normal, Steel, Dark, Rock, Ghost, Psychic, Dragon, Flying, Ground, Grass

Thanks for reading!!


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