Lightning crashed all around them.
Giant gaps were put in the wooden deck beneath their feet. Men aboard franticly scurried to and fro, trying to save their own skin. This ship was going down fast, and nothing was going to stop it.
"Alright all you scum," the captain called from his quarters upon the bridge. "Grab some rocks and stick em in em."
A wave of men rushed to the captain's quarters. There was a line of workers that handed rock after rock to the crew on deck. Back and forth, they went, carrying heavy rocks and stoping the black water that oozed onboard and leaked through the holes.
"It's no good, captain! We're still going down!" one of the crewmen shouted, grasping the railing of the ship that was slowly rising into the air.
"We're going down!" another screamed.
Waves competed with one another to see whom could rip the sail from it's frame. The icy cold, black-as-night water reached it's arm and smacked the ship, pulling crewmen down with it.
"WE'RE GOING DOWN!" the captain screamed again.
And was never heard of again.
Huh? Huh? How was that? I don't really know my terms correctly, so sorry if I said something wrong.
Anyways, I threw this deck together. Nothing fancy, it's pretty straight forward. Not exactly my best work, but it's good enough to win a few in todays competitive world, I believe. I haven't tested it, but it should be fairly quick. Blastoise is top-proirity to get out and on the playing field.
![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=14c2a1ccd354e754&
Pokemon: 16
x4 Squirtle - Aww, just the the one from Base Set. Needed for evolution.
x2 Wartortle - Needed for evolution.
x3 Blastoise - Energy excel. The basis for the deck. This is the card that really powers up the other ones and make the deck work out wonderfully.
x3 Keldeo EX - Rush in helps me get out of sticky situations, gets rid of poison and other special conditions, and Secret Sword does a nice amount of damage per energy. I would say at least 110 minimal.
x2 Suicune - A great EX protection/staller. Attack is average, but workable.
x2 Black Kyurem EX - 200 damage for 4 energy? This is workable. Mostly a last-resort type of card, seeing as I have to discard 3 energies, but great for the last knockout of the game or a really tough and daunting opponent.
Trainers: 24
x4 Cilan - Used to get energies.
x1 Master Ball - The one Ace Spec of the deck. Used to get whatever I need when I really need it.
x3 Pokemon Catcher - Switches out my opponent's active pokemon to one I would prefer to battle/stall/take out.
x4 Pokemon Communication - Takes a pokemon I don't need out of my hand, into the deck for later use, and gets out a card I need right now. Extremely useful.
x4 Professor Juniper - To thin the deck out to get cards I need and to get a new hand when I get stuck. Well-rounded card.
x2 Rare Candy - Used to excel evolution between Squirtle and Blastoise (though the only pokemon that are able to utilize it, sadly).
x2 Super Energy Retrieval - I'm bound to have some extra Squirtle I can discard. Getting 4 energy back is huge for this deck, 'cause that's enough energy for any pokemon to be set up and ready to go.
x2 Super Rod - Gets Pokemon and Energies out of my Discard pile and back into my deck, and then I can use them again. Yay recycling!
x2 Tool Scrapper - Used to get rid of things like Silver Mirror and other annoying tool cards that prevent me or are a threat to my pokemon.
Energy: 20
x12 Water Energy - Needed to attack.
x4 Electric Energy - Needed to attack.
x4 Blend Energy FEWS - Mainly in there for Black Kyurem EX, can be both Water and Electric
So yeah, I just threw this together. Another variant if anyone out there would like to use it. It's pretty simple- attack, dodge, and reuse.
![enter image description here](/pokebase/qa-plugin/https-img-proxy/image.php?key=e20945d5599bb290&