So I wanted to make a Rain Team but in an odd tier so it got to be LC. So here´s the outcome I changed many times so..... Yeah now it comes
Dada Madara (Shelmet) @ Damp Rock
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 236 SpD / 36 HP / 76 Def / 116 SpA
Calm Nature
- Rain Dance
- Infestation
- Rest
- Hidden Power [Dark]
HP Dark for Honedge and other annoying things. Rain Dance + Damp Rock + Rest + Hydration = full healing every time without sleep. Infestation is annoying for Mienfoo and such.
Dexter (Helioptile) @ Life Orb
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 188 SpA / 4 HP / 92 Def / 12 SpD / 188 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunder
- Grass Knot
- Dark Pulse
- Hidden Power [Ice]
Heals every turn with Rain, and Thunder can't miss. HP Ice is for Ground types. Grass Knot should kill Onix. And those 4 EVs actually help.
Diddi (Goomy) @ Damp Rock
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 236 Def / 76 SpD / 156 SpA / 40 Spe
Modest Nature
- Rain Dance
- Infestation
- Dragon Pulse
- Muddy Water
Muddy Water gains a damage boost and those 40 EVs are there because I didn't have anything else to invest them in. Nice coverage imo. Oh wait isn't Goomy useless? No, it's one of the main pillars of the team.
Mandork (Croagunk) @Eviolite
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 188 Atk / 52 HP / 36 Def / 196 SpD / 36 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab
- Drain Punch
- Rain Dance
Well, it's pretty normal Croagunk but it got Rain Dance if the Damp Rock holders faint. Every team got Knock Off so I must be on the trend also.
Kakashi (Anorith) @ Eviolite
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 SpD / 236 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rock Slide
- Cross Poison
- Rapid Spin
- X-Scissor
Rapid Spinner and an amazing speed with rain. Good sweeper with much coverage.
Yagura (Wingull) @ Damp Rock
Ability: Rain Dish
EVs: 236 Spe / 156 SpA / 116 SpD
Timid Nature
- Rain Dance
- Scald
- Hurricane
- Tailwind
Another Damp Rock Rain Dancer. Hurricane can´t miss in rain and Scald has a chance for burn.
Well that´s all for it this time. Mandork + Diddi + Dexter = Dexter's Laboratory.
Kakashi + Dada Madara + Yagura = Naruto. (Yagura is 3-tailed water Jinchuriki)