Pokémon Rate My Team
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Well hello there. I am Professor Jojo and this is Professor Jojo. Well
yesterday in our lab we created a sand team and we do believe that so
far it has been successful, however we are a little messy so a few
things might have gone wrong or can be done better. So we decided to
come here and ask for your guidance. However we got a little carried
away so we accidentely dropped our reviews and taxonomy of our team
members in the rmt. (GDI. I told you to put the papers in a file Jojo >.>) Anyways, le team

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Todays lesson, animal anatomy:

Hippowdon @ Leftovers

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Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature

  • Slack Off
  • Whirlwind
  • Toxic
  • Earthquake

Hippowdon, Hippowdon attempts to intimidate foes by holding its large powerful open, It has a bite force of approximately 6000N. Weighing in at 300KG Hippowdon is dwarfed by its Hippo relatives, at approximately one third of their weight. Male Hippowdon have black Nostrils, and black backs. Female Hippowdon are black all over, Both the male and the female of the species have Red Pupils. Hippowdon have eight teeth with its two lower lateral incisers being noticeably larger than its upper incisers  and its upper and lower molars.

Hippowdon is of course the team's weather setter! It is also our Physical Wall which is an idea I Jojo, stole from my dear friend Mistur Kay. The move Whirlwind is one of my favorite moves in the entire game. Seeing as it can stop nasty Volcarona's setting up on me and can switch them to something that perhaps can't even touch me P; Slack Off is great, Its nice to have that healing in a wall type Pokemon, i wonder why more people don't use wall Hippowdon more Often :P it has access to a fine Healing move AND it gets a Phasing Move, which is always nice. Stealth Rock is there because that extra damage is always nice and Earthquake is so that we do not get our faces punched by Taunt :3

Skarmory @ Leftovers

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Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 224 HP / 32 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature

  • Stealth Rock
  • Roost
  • Whirlwind
  • Brave Bird

>Skarmory, This bird Pokemon is plated with hard steel armour, Steel being an alloy consisting mostly of Iron, a metal, retains many properties of Iron so steel, like Iron,
is a great conductor of heat, therefore Skarmory is succeptable to fire attacks. Skarmory can fly at a speed up to 180 mph, This would be impressive if its Body were pure steel but, the Armour is Hollow & Light, although it is light in comparrison to other steel types, weighing in at 50.5KG compared to the average weight of 178.3KG of its fellow steel type, it is heavier than its relative birds at approximatley 11.3KG

Skarmory our little special Pokemon and it helps keeps the team in balance for it has a great typing that enables it to form an excellent core with Garchomp. Stealth Rock is that one hazard that no Pokemon can escape from. It also takes just one turn to set-up unlike the other hazards. With this Volcarona knows no safe switch in. Skarmory is not only our hazard layer but also our phsyical sponge seeing as it resists and neutralizes more then Hippowdon, it is appreciated for it to stay around for a decent amount of time. To accomplish this Roost is the perfect move. It also does away with it's Flying type  making it neutralize Ice type attacks and losing it's weakness to Electric type attacks. However this is at the cost of a fighting weakness gained. Whirlwind is just for some phazing. Also a nice and funny way to stop Volcarona. Last but not least Brave Bird to not make it a complete taunt bait

Scizor @ Choice band

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Trait: Technician
EVs: 244 HP / 228 Atk / 36 Spd
Adamant Nature

  • Bullet punch
  • Superpower
  • Pursuit
  • U-turn

>Scizor flaps their wings to control its body temperature and stop itself from overheating and possibly to stop its exoskeleton from melting. It uses the eye patterns on its Iron Pincers to scare off foes. It is a Bug type pokemon, encased in a Steel exoskeleton wich protects its frail bug body from harmful attacks. It has powerful Pincers capable of crushing hard steel, with a whopping  4000+N force. Unlike most ants, scizor do not generally travel in groups and are capable of protecting themselves without the help of a leader.

Oh No, It's a Banded Scizor D; Its so mainstream..l it.... hurts.....   x.x

Aaaaanyway, banded scizor c; Gee Gee. U-Turn is a nice move to have on any Pokemon, especially when it gets STAB unfortunately it isn't boosted by Technician :< but i guess we'll just have to live with that. Bullet Punch is what keeps Scizor prominent, without Bullet Punch and its STAB Technician Priority -ness Scizor would be PU easily, if Not LC :p Pursuit gets a boost from Technician, which is kinda like a secondary STAB, which I <3, and when Paired with my best Friend Superpower Pursuit helps get lots of coverage c; delicious.

Eww a Charachter Limit (Secretly Chuffed that he finally made it far enough to hit the limit) The Team will be continued in the answer by my esteemed Colleague Jojo

edited by
Gj Team :]
Stealth Rock > Toxic on Hippowdon imo. It gives Skarm room for spikes, which are always good to wear down foes.
Btw, you guys use too many emoticons o.O
Thats it c; i knew i had sr over something on Hippowdon but i couldn't remember what xC

1 Answer

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Oh you :3 Anyways ze rest of ze team

Gastrodon @ Choice Specs

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Trait: Storm Drain
EVs: 172 HP / 84 Def / 252 SAtk
Modest Nature

  • Earth power
  • Surf
  • Ice Beam
  • Hidden Power [Grass]

>Gastrodon live in tiny shallow pools, they are sea-slugs and have a pliable body, without any bones. There are traces of hard shells in their cells, suggesting that long ago they may have had Hard-Protective shells, it can learn the move "harden" suggesting it can manipulate these remaining cells and encase its self in a Hard Shell once more. It has also got incredible regeneratory properties which, although not uncommon in sea-slugs, is quite a feat of nature.

Gastrodon, what a ugly piece of st, whatever, he kewl. When we get him switched in on a water attack though >: ) +1 Choice Specs Gastrodon is a threat. Idc how many Blissey you Have, Its a Threat. Scald is a cheap ass move with its pesky 99.9 (recurring ofc) % chance to burn. Its a nice STAB that has decent Power and good accuracy. Earth Power is another great STAB. Ice Beam is essential Coverage on any Water Type, and HP Grass** is to kill his Gastrodon Cousins who try to switch in and storm drain mah scalds D:<

Garchomp @ Choice Scarf

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Trait: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature

  • Outrage
  • Earthquake
  • Fire Blast
  • Crunch

>Garchomp are very aggressive and territorial Pokemon. The males fight more often then the females as it is noticeable due to the cut male Garchomp carry on their dorsal fin. It has also been suggested that it has the capability at flying at high speed. In flight it is so fast that it can fell thick trees by just flying past them. Garchomp has appendages that strongly resemble that of a jet plane. They live in caves and are rarely seen in the wild

Garchomp :] Witha scarf :OOO oh no D; its so cheap i'm gonna explode xC. anyways Garchomp, Outrage is a ridiculously powerful STAB and so is Earthquake. It's hasty natured and runs Fire Blast. Yes we're mainstream but not too mainstream ;) so we gave it Crunch :P I guess Crunch is Useful for Murdering Jellicent & Celebi in their sleep but whatev's. Its main Purpose it to wreck other Scarfer Or Dragon Types, e.g. ScarfMoxieMence, we'll have to be careful of SashMence though >.> they're everywhere....

Magnezone @ Expert belt

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Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 172 HP / 252 SAtk / 84 Spd
Timid Nature

  • Volt switch
  • Hidden Power [Fire]
  • Flash Cannon
  • Thunderbolt

>Magnezone, being a Magnet Magnezone attracts the elements Iron, Nickle & Cobalt towards it. Steel Being an alloy made mostly from Iron is also attracted to Magnets, like Magnezone. Therefore Magnezone has the firring ability Magnet Pull trapping other Steel types with magnetic force. Magnezone has quite a large Magnetic field allowing it to attract other Steel Types situated a great duistance away from it. It can Manipulate its Magnetic field to Float in the air, Possibly even carrying humans. This defiance of gravity is a very interesting Phenomona and one of many reasons Scientists like Jojo & I study Magnezone.

Magnezone, what an Interesting Pokemon, Magnet Pull is a great Ability and so fitting for a Magnet, paired with HP Fire this thing Melts Ferrothorn with ease, and Revenge Kills Banded Scizor with Just as Much ease. Volt Switch is a nice move that lets you switch after a little Damage and T-Bolt is a more reliable move. Flash Cannon is a purty secondary STAB. Expert Belt was actually My idea which was different P; (Jojo Made most of the team xD) firstly i said Scarf but typed i retracted that decision after remembering we had Scarfchomp, :3. Jojo asked "Life Orb or Air ballon?" but i was all liek "Puhlease Jojo, Expert Belt" and he was like "Ooooh me likey" and so we did it : ] yay.

This was the end of our presentation. We look forward to hearing you thoughts, suggestions and whatnot
Thanks for reading :)

Greetings from Jojo and Jojo

Gj team :]