Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hello! This is Haunter, with another Gen 5 team! This time it is a RAIN TEAM! There's no time to wait! Lets gooooo!!

I will show you everything, right from the start.


Our rain setter! Since there are no others in OU, it must be Politoed! He has quite a wide movepool too, making him an essential on the team.


Its great to have a spinner, and Tentacruel is exactly that. Basically an essential on the team, and I didn't dream of replacing Tenty at that stage.


Hydration is the only thing that keeps Vaporeon on this team. It can now stall with that niche, making it a tough Pokemon to beat.


Jellicent was going to be a Special Sweeper in the team (my initial thought), but it also works well as a Special Wall, so a Special Wall it was.


I figured a Sweeper without the Water type would be good, so Latios came up. Its crazy Sp.Attack would be a good addition to this team.


I forgot about Physical Sweepers at the last minute, so Azumarill got the last place. It has Huge Power, which can DESTROY teams. For once, that is nuff said.

Politoed Tentacruel Vaporeon Jellicent Latios Azumarill

There, the first draft. As I started to have a proper look at my creation, I realized I don't need that many Water types, otherwise a Grass or Electric type could smash me. The first Pokemon to go was Jellicent, and it was hard to find a replacement. But I eventually found an AMAZING Physical Rain Sweeper: Toxicroak.


Since I found a really good Physical Sweeper, there was really no need for Azumarill. I was really struggling to find a Pokemon at this point, but I found one eventually. Dragonite. With access to Hurricane AND Thunder (100% Accuraccy in Rain) there was no more questions asked. Dragonite joined the team.


I decided Latios had to go, so my next choice was very unusual: Roserade. It has access to Spikes, so it should be good on the team. When I give you the movesets, you'll see its main purpose in rain.


Movesets coming soon!


2 Answers

0 votes

Politoed @ Leftovers
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam
-Hidden Power [Grass]

Toxicroak @ Life Orb
Trait: Dry Skin
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Atk / 228 Spe
Adamant Nature
-Drain Punch
-Ice Punch
-Swords Dance
-Sucker Punch

Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Trait: Rain Dish
EVs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 Spe
Timid Nature
-Rapid Spin

Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Trait: Hydration
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
-Acid Armour

Dragonite @ Life Orb
Trait: Multiscale
EVs: 76 Atk / 252 SpA / 180 Spe
Hasty Nature

Roserade @ Black Sludge
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
-Weather Ball
-Giga Drain
-Shadow Ball
-Sludge Bomb

edited by
Yep. Thank you for your comprehension ;D

I may give it a rate later.
Actually you don't get the 20 points for BA if it's your own answer, you only get two for selecting it ;P
However, thank you for removing it.
No way you hit the character limit.
In all fairness only 30% of teams with 2 answers hits the limit. Even then thats only because of unneeded pointless content.
Way to much Poison Types. Sand Teams packing Alakazam will destroy you with ease.
0 votes

I haven't much to say. This is a very good team, overall. I can give some advices:


The EV spread I would use with it is the following: 252 Sp.Def / 2552 HP / 4 Sp.Atk. It would make Politoed bulkier than before.
The moveset changes: I would use Scald > Hydro Pump and Toxic > Hidden Power [Grass]. I prefer the bulky Politoed over the tank one.


OK, this one is fine, although I would go for Jolly > Adamant for the extra unexpected speed.


OK, this one is perfect, I would just say Hasty > Timid so that Rapid Spin can deal with severely weakened Pokemon. You know, if this is for Showdown use, Showdown is occasionally bugged, so that 3 % remaining HP could be removed by Rapid Spin, although the case is rare. Then, you could use Timid > Hasty. The one you prefer most you will use.

Jolteon > Vaporeon

I mean, with BulkyToad, you have exceeded the number of suggested bulky Pokemon on a team. Jolteon is exceptionally strong in the rain ; it has a high speed with a great special attack.


Jolteon Jolteon @ Choice Specs / Air Balloon:
Trait: Volt Absorb
EV: 252 Speed / 252 Special Attack / 4 HP
Modest Nature

  • Thunder
  • Volt Switch
  • Hidden Power [`Ice`]
  • Shadow Ball

Thunder hits tremendously hard with Jolteon's investment and specs, and now, in rain, it bypasses da nasty accuracy check to become strong as da Blue Flare Reshiram.
Volt Switch is primarily here to scout on your opponent's movesets and items, while securing Jolteon. You can also use it to finish a weakened Pokemon if you need at the same time to bring out another Pokemon.
Hidden Power [`Ice`] is ultimately for the Bolt-Beam combo, although it's not as strong as Ice beam.
Shadow Ball provides some extra coverage, especially against Lati-Twins and Alakazam.

Finally, Choice Specs can be replaced by an Air Balloon so that Jolteon has no weakness, but it will be weaker.


Your Dragonite moveset is really not bad, but the EV in speed, I would put them in HP, so that multiscale become harder to face.

I believe that either Surf or Outrage > E-Quake should be more reasonable so either you have a hard-hitting move or a STAB.


Not much to say. Just Choice Scarf > Black Sludge for 2 causes:

  1. Roserade is too frail for Black Sludge and
  2. Roserade is too slow to compete with other OU threats.

Extra Advice: You cannot know when you will face Foul Play Pokemon so I suggest you to put 0 IV in attack for every special attacker but Tentacruel.

Hope this help !

Actually I would have suggested taking Rosy off the team in favor of Ferrothorn. And Roserade works incredibly well as a Special wall btw. Keep the Speed on Dragonite. Multiscale can tank a hit with it even with no HP.
Jolteon is too frail to make any good use out of the Air Balloon. Also, I usually run Bold Tentacruel just for the extra bulk it adds because its defense isn't all that high. And Timid > Modest. Abuse its high speed.
Jolteon is a pro Scarf Volt Switcher.

riiiiiiite Flame?
I'm using Modest > Timid for the extra special attack, knowing that Jolteon already has an astounding base speed. The Air Balloon can help in some ways, I use it in the PWT and nobody can kill Jolteon.
Thats PWT not Showdown
OK, so the part of Tenta can be ignored.