Pokémon Rate My Team
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Tough claws, Jolly
252atk, 252spd, 4hp
@charizarite X
Role: Physical suicide killer
•Flare Blitz
•Dragon dance

Well, just throw in a few d-dances if possible then wreck everything with STAB tough claws outrage (fairies though). And E-quake and Flare Blitz is just for coverage. And who doesn't like E-quake?

Mega launcher, Modest
252spatk, 100def, 100spdef, 56hp
Role: Bulky special sweeper
•Water pulse
•Dragon pulse
•Dark pulse
•Aura sphere

Basically able to wall some attacks and dish out damage. All atttacks are boosted with mega launcher, and leftovers are for healing.

Stance change, Adamant
252atk, 120spdef, 136def
@Life orb
Role: Bulky physical attacker
•King's shield
•Swords dance
•Sacred sword
•Shadow sneak

Everyone loves Aegislash. Well, pretty standard. King's shield walls physical attackers (that harsh attack drop is a bonus) and maybe set-up swords dance (or two) and pirority kill with shadow sneak. Sacred sword is for normals and darks.

Overcoat, Calm
100hp,200spdef, 200def, 8spd
Role: Wall

A good wall if you ask me. Well toxic is a nice status, and attract makes males incapable of damaging it (well, almost) Roost is for recovery and toxic, and taunt is to prevent set ups, mainly smeargle, and speed evs to outspeed smeargle.

Levitate, Timid
252spatk,252spd,4hp @Choice specs
Role: Specs special sweeper
•Dragon pulse
•Flash cannon
•Earth power

Your average specs Hydreigon. Choice specs boost Spatk to deathly levels, and he is capable of outspeeding adamant gar with timid, allowing him to sweep. Flash cannon is for fairies, and Earth power is for the ever annoying Heatran. Flamethrower is for ices and bugs.

Sturdy, Adamant
252atk, 100hp, 156def @Assualt vest
Role: Bulky physical sweeper
•Rapid spin
•Gyro ball

It has high attack and low speed, complimenting Gyro ball and Avalanche. Earthquake is for covering fire types and rock types. Hp evs to survive a flamethrower with assualt vest (hopefully). It survived a flamethrower from a Noivern once without Sturdy. I decided not to give it curse as it has assualt vest, and it usually cannot set it up.

Are the movesets , items and Evs good? All suggestions welcome. I am rather new and would appreciate help with the Evs

reshown by
Maybe instead of water pulse on your Clawitzer, maybe something more powerful like surf.
Although, it's your choice and water pulse can leave in confusion
Thanks, but I still like water pulse because of confusion and its ability mega launcher.

1 Answer

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Tough claws, Jolly
252atk, 252spd, 4hp
@charizarite X
Role: Physical suicide killer
•Flare Blitz
•Dragon dance

Charizard is great for punching holes into the oponents team, and using good prediction you can get a free dragon dance. Could be very easily taken out by scarfed Garchomps, so be careful when you want to mega.

Mega launcher, Modest
252spatk, 100def, 100spdef, 56hp
Role: Bulky special sweeper
•Water pulse
•Dragon pulse
•Dark pulse
•Aura sphere

Do not see any problem here. Maybe for a bit of extra power you can use choice specs. The real threat I see is probably a Thunderus-T, it has a huge amount of power. But with the ev investments, I think it can probably take a hit.

Stance change, Adamant
252atk, 120spdef, 136def
@Life orb
Role: Bulky physical attacker
•King's shield
•Swords dance
•Sacred sword
•Shadow sneak

I definetly prefer weakness policy over life orb, if you max out his defense you can take a hit, in which you basically get an automatic swords dance. After that, it's fine. Be careful of Heatrans, though.

Hydreigon and Mandibuzz are perfect. You may want to switch Mandibuzz for Slowbro. It is a nice wall, and gets rid of your Fighting weakness on 3 of your pokes.

Sturdy, Adamant
252atk, 100hp, 156def @Assualt vest
Role: Bulky physical sweeper
•Rapid spin
•Gyro ball

Ways your team down so bad. Bulky phsyical sweeper? It's pathetic, tbh.

Try an Azumarill. It has good bulk, and good defensive typing. It's ability huge power doubles it's attack stat.

Over all, nice team. The only real problem I see is that Avalugg.
