Pokémon Rate My Team
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this team has been working really well for me lately just can't decide on the last team member any ideas would be appreciated.

Sharpedo @ life orb
ability - speed boost
nature - adamant
EVs 252 Atk/252 Spe/4 Hp
- waterfall
- crunch
- zen headbutt
- protect

my late game sweeper he's usually able to sweep whatever the rest of my team can't knock out. zen headbutt > earthquake so he can deal with heracross and other fighting types that can stop a sweep.

Chandelure @ choice scarf
ability - flash fire
nature - timid
EVs 252 Spe/252 SpA/4 SpD
- fire blast
- shadow ball
- energy ball
- trick

my revenge killer/sweeper. Tricks there to shutdown walls like snorlax and gliger that otherwise give my team trouble. energy ball for swampert.

Roserade @ black sludge
ability - natural cure
nature - calm
EVs 252 Hp/240 SpD/14 Spe
- giga drain
- sludge bomb
- spikes
- sleep powder

pretty self explaining come in put things to sleep and set up spikes. then tank hits and kill things

Rhyperior @ leftovers
ability - solid rock
nature - adamant
EVs 248 Hp/16 Atk/244 SpD
- stealth rocks
- earthquake
- rock blast
- megahorn

my tank and he's very good at it. he kills almost everything megahorn > dragon tail just to deal with slowbro and umbreon

Hitmontop @ sitrus berry
ability - intimidate
nature - hasty
EVs 252 Hp/4 Atk/252 Def
- rapid spin
- toxic
- sucker punch
- close combat

just there for support for the rest of the team

can't find the right last member it used to be expert belt raikou, then dual screens azelf. i was also thinking of mew but couldn't choose a set any suggestions would be great.

I converted this to an answer
thanks i'll try it out.
Let me know how you like it
I recommend SpecsZelf since he can easily break walls with a base 125 SAtk and base 115 Spe. The set I use looks like this:

Azelf @ Choice Specs
Trait: Levitate
Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/ 252 SAtk/ 4 Def
- Psyshock (allows you to break special walls not named umbreon or sableye)
- Thunderbolt/Hidden Power Fighting (Coverage for Cobalion and Scrafty)
- Grass Knot (DEMOLISHES Swampert and Rhyperior)
- Fire Blast (Coverage, hits Heracross, Cobalion, and Roserade)

This set is fantastic and I highly reccomend it. Just be careful since you will be choice locked after. Plan your moves thoroughly. Hope this helps :)
Slip I converted for a reason. It's not long enough to be an answer.
Ok. I figured since he only asked for one poké, that I only needed one for it to be an acceptable answer xD

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