So my OU Stall list that i use for local games and events (which all have a no legendary rule) currently looks like this.
- Ferrothorn
Item - Rocky Helmet
Nature - Relaxed
Moves - ~ Stealth Rock ~ Leech Seed
~ Power Whip
~ Gyro Ball
EV's 252HP/ 48Def / 208SpD
Role: big bulky wall for setting up stealth rock and waiting everything out
- Jellicent
Item - Leftovers
Nature - Calm
Ability - Water Absorb
Moves - ~ Scald ~ Recover
~ Will - O - Wisp
~ Shadow Ball
EV's 250HP / 36Def / 222SpD
Role: Special Tank/Starmie removal Engine (very important here)/compliment to skarmory/ferrothorn
- Skarmory
Item - Shed Shell
Nature - Impish
Ability - Sturdy
EV's 224hp / 252Def / 32 SpD
Moves ~ Spikes
~ Roost
~ Whirlwind
~ Brave Bird
Role: Physical Wall with the ability to shuffle opponents pokemon into hazard damage with WW
- Tenticruel
Item - Black Sludge
Ability - Rain Dish
Nature - Timid
EV's 248hp / 244Def / 16Spe
Moves - ~ Rapid Spin ~ Toxic
~ Scald
~ Protect
Role: Sinner/Status dealer
- Blissey
Item - Leftovers
Ability - Natural Cure
Nature - Calm
EV's 4hp / 252Def / 252SpD
Moves - ~ Wish ~ Aromatherapy
~ Toxic
~ FlameThrower
Role: Cleric/Special Wall/ Basic Blissedin stuff
- Tyranitar
Item - Focus Sash
Ability - UNNERVE
Nature - Hasty
EV's 4ATK / 252SpA / 252Spe
Moves - ~ Crunch ~ Roar
~ Stealth Rock
~ Low Kick
Role: Lead/use roar to trigger hazards/Deal with Ghost/Kangaskhan issues
so thats my list ive been running for a while now. I feel like its pretty well explained and works decently enough EXCEPT tyranitar. It always feels like i could get a whole lot more use out of that slot but for the life of me I cant figure out what with. (Ive tried a few things to no avail) Part of it is that a large reason he is in the list at all is because a Friend of mine runs an all Ghost team just to throw a wrench in peoples plans which turned out to be weirdly effective (a lot of the players in the area are not too good)
The other part is because there is a disturbing influx of mega kangaskhan around lately.
Im also not completely thrilled with blissey either but when shes actually needed she deffinately pulls her weight.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
NOTE: I usually play in local tournaments and with people around college and while I will go to events and stuff I tend to stay away from anything super competetive.