Pokémon Rate My Team
1 vote

Please rate and give any suggestions that you may have. Somethings I am not sure about, so feel free to make any suggestions.

So...here it is!


Mega Blastoise@Blastoiseite
Quiet (252 SpA 252 Def 4 HP)
Mega Launcher
-Fake out-
-Water spout
-Aura sphere
-Dark pulse.

Aromatisse@Damp rock
EVs/Nature I forget...
Aroma Veil
Heal Pulse
Trick Room
Rain Dance
Dazzling Gleam

Turn one: Blastoise uses fakeout, normally on a pokemon that would threaten Aromatisse. Aromatisse uses Trick Room
Turn two: Aromatisse uses a) healpulse if blastoise has low HP, or rain dance. Blastoise spams water spout at full poweer while aromatisse keeps healing it. Great leads, not changing them. They have KOd whole teams by themselves.

Whatever +Def-Spe is (252Def 252 SpD 4 Att)
Stance change
-Shadow sneak
-Swords dance
-King's shield
-Sacred Sword.

This guy rocks. If I can get a swords dance in, shadow sneak wrecks. Sacred sword is good too.

Goodra@Damp Rock
Quiet (252SpD 252 SpA 4 HP)
-Rain dance
-Muddy water (higher accuracy replacement?)
Dragon pulse

HydraRest. Nuff said. Pulse +Muddy for attacking

Brave (252 Att 252 Def 4HP)
-Spiky shield
-Wood Hammer
-Hammer arm

Bulky water killer. Down goes swampert gastrodon and milotic. Still unsure about the last move....

That's what I got. I would like another trick room setter, maybe slowbro or reuniclus....

So.....Yeah that's it! Please give any suggestions or thoughts. I will accept constructive/desctructive criticism.

Also, thanks to "Voodoo pimp" on nugget bridge for posting the Blastoise/Aromatisse lead.
I may give it a rate.
heal pulse might be unreliable. opposing amoongus ragepowder can abuse it. Also I don't see many ways of dealing with other rain teams (swift swim other that trick room) and rain counters (like ferrothorn)
I don't know about Amoongus with Rage Powder, but if he ever cones across another Rain team, he's probably pretty safe, as he's got at least a couple things using the rain, plus a Chesnaught to deal with Politoed or Vaporeon. He also hasn't finished his team (he said he was looking for a bulky Water-type, which could likely get a Rain boost). An opposing Goodra might be problematic, though.

1 Answer

0 votes

You have a pretty awesome team, no doubt about it, but there are few rather odd choices in this team, firstly as a Trick Room team, and secondly as a Rain team. As much as I like the starting two you send out at first, I do have some suggestions.

Blastoise is definitely a good pick for a Rain team, especially since it has Water Spout, but probably not the greatest pick for a Trick Room team. With it having Fake Out, it can definitely stop a lot of things from happening to your Aromatisse to set up whatever strategy you need, but, with its fairly average Speed, there's no guarantee that it's going to work well with Trick Room, but as you have somthing using Heal Pulse next to it, it's probably worth using. Greninja might be a consideration to protect your Trick Roomer as it has Mat Block, and is the fastest Water-type, so it can probably give the best initial protection, and you can give it an Eject Button to switch out afterwards instead of having something else take damage. However, as Mat Block is not Priority, it is ironically vulnerable to Fake Out, and after Greninja is used, it is definitely not for Trick Room use. So I'd stick with Blastoise. As for Aromatisse, it is definitely good to go in terms of moveset, but I'd definitely suggest Slowking over it, especially if you are going to use a Rain team. Slowking can learn everything that your Aromatisse can learn except Dazzling Gleam, and if you replace that with a Water-type move, you can use the STAB and Rain boost a lot better. Slowking also has better defensive stats (especially Special Defense), so you might want to consider that. The rest of your team looks alright, but the initial idea was a Rain team, in which Aromatisse, Aegislash and Chesnaught fit into rather strangely. The only thing the rain can be used for after Blastoise is Goodra, so you might want to add something that can use it. You also might want to add another Trick Roomer in case your Aromatisse get unsuspectingly wiped out at the start with a Steel or Poison attack (even though both are pretty uncommon).

From my viewpoint you're actually pretty good to go, you just need to add the last member of your team. You said you were looking for a bulky Water-type, so here are my suggestions:

Octillery - Since you're using Trick Room, this is my best suggestion. Octillery can learn a Special Attack from practically any type (it can even learn Flamethrower and Fire Blast), and can learn Water Spout, just like Blastoise. It also has a very high Special Atk. stat. If your Blastoise does happen to faint, this is a good backup. However, it's defensive stats are pretty laughable, so it's not necessarily going to last long, along with its Water Spout, but it's definitely one of my first Trick Room choices.

Slowbro or (as mentioned before) Slowking - Both can do the exact same thing as Aromatisse, have better Defense (bro) or Sp. Def. (king), and are immune to taunts to get Trick Room working (if you have Oblivious). Slowbro can also learn Belly Drum, but it isn't necessarily the best choice for a strategy like that. Either can be used as backup (or replacement) for your Aromatisse.

By the way, thanks for not using Politoed. I'm sick of seeing people use that for Rain teams. But even if it has Drizzle, I still wouldn't use it for Trick Rooming.

As a side note, I have a Triples Trick Room team that's somewhat similar to this. Maybe you'll get some ideas from it:


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Thanks! This is greatly apriciated. I will take these ideas into account when i reformaaty team.
Just one thought....If I replace aromatisse with slowbro and add octillery (which I think is a good idea) would having  water types be a problem?
In this case, it shouldn't be. Rain boosts the power of Water-type moves by 50%. Add STAB to that, and the power of all Water type moves used by Water-type Pokémon in the rain is 225% (hypothetically). Unless you are specifically wanting a monotype team, or are unexplainably obsessed with a certain type (like myself), it is a good idea to have a good variety of typing, in which you already have with Aegislash, Goodra, Chesnaught, and, if you don't remove it, Aromatisse. Yet still, you are definitely going to want multiple Water-types in a Rain team.