Pokémon Rate My Team
0 votes

So this is a team I created from trades and a mareep I caught, I used what I had, and this is what I came up with:

1 Crobat
Inner focus
max speed, sp.def 200, attack 58
Not sure about the item
Cross poison
Confuse ray

2 Ampharos
Max speed and sp.attack, 6 hp
Charge/ion deluge
Power gem
Dragon pulse

3 Metagross
Clear body
Max attack and def, 6 hp
Item ?
Zen headbutt
Meteor mash
Hone claws
Earthquake/brick break/giga impact

4 Milotic
Marvel scale
Max speed and hp, 6 sp.attack
Ice beam
Recover/aqua ring

5 Blaziken
Max attack, 200 sp.def, 58 speed
Hone claws
High jump kick
Blaze kick
Baton pass

6 Krookodile
Max attack and sp.def, 6 speed
Fire fang
Hone claws
Foul play

In addition, all of the above are fully Pokémon amied, so if it's relevant, for what it's worth
As you can see, I don't know much about the items, so I would be glad for advice on that too, please

Good omens, and good luck to all!
Bless you all

Is this a in-game team? If it so, then by the rules only competitive teams are allowed.
There are EVs, so No?
"In addition, all of the above are fully Pokémon amied, so if it's relevant, for what it's worth"
 When did Pokemon started getting amied for competitive? If it was competitive then the asker would specify the rules/formats.
This is close enough to a competitive team to be allowed under the current ruleset, but if any of my past suggestions regarding the rules for this section go through, then this won't be allowed.
@Heracross please mention the battle format/ruleset you're playing so people can help you properly. If you didn't make this team with a battle format in mind, then there's your most important piece of advice.
I understand that Pokémon amie is irrelevant for competitive use, thank you ☺️
@Fizz, I was thinking of online battles on the PSS, is that ok? Or irrelevant as well?
As could be seen, I'm kinda new here...
Trying to understand the system...
Again, thank you for all of the advice ☺️

1 Answer

0 votes

"Aerial Ace, Feint Attack, and Steel Wing are all really bad moves. Crobat has STAB Brave Bird instead of those. Why would you be running Black Sludge on a fast, offensive Pokemon? Black Sludge should only be used on Stallbreaker sets. Ampharos has 229 Speed, which is useful for outspeeding checks like Adamant Golem and most walls.
Both Hammer Arm and Brick Break are supoptimal/bad on Metagross, because Hammer Arm lowers Metagross's good Speed stat, forcing it to switch. Set up users and Pursuiters can take advantage of this. Bullet Punch isn't mandatory at all on Metagross. Why would you not give Milotic an item? 3 of your Blaziken suggestions are terrible suggestions. You're saying that you shouldn't switch in a battle? That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard anyone say when it comes to competitive. Brave Bird Blaziken is terrible and you really shouldn't be using it. A Berry weakening Blaziken's weakness? You're better off using Life Orb or Focus Sash and Swords Dance. For Krookodile you're suggesting another berry? Are you aware of the fact that items like Choice Band, Choice Scarf, Choice Specs, and Life Orb exist? You should almost always be running Choice Items / Life Orb on an offensive Pokemon."

I give a good answer and I get a -1?

Fine. You answer it.

edited by
Aerial Ace, Feint Attack, and Steel Wing are all really bad moves. Crobat has STAB Brave Bird instead of those. Why would you be running Black Sludge on a fast, offensive Pokemon? Black Sludge should only be used on Stallbreaker sets. Ampharos has 229 Speed, which is useful for outspeeding checks like Adamant Golem and most walls.
Both Hammer Arm and Brick Break are supoptimal/bad on Metagross, because Hammer Arm lowers Metagross's good Speed stat, forcing it to switch. Set up users and Pursuiters can take advantage of this. Bullet Punch isn't mandatory at all on Metagross. Why would you not give Milotic an item? 3 of your Blaziken suggestions are terrible suggestions. You're saying that you shouldn't switch in a battle? That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard anyone say when it comes to competitive. Brave Bird Blaziken is terrible and you really shouldn't be using it. A Berry weakening Blaziken's weakness? You're better off using Life Orb or Focus Sash and Swords Dance. For Krookodile you're suggesting another berry? Are you aware of the fact that items like Choice Band, Choice Scarf, Choice Specs, and Life Orb exist? You should almost always be running Choice Items / Life Orb on an offensive Pokemon.
Thank you for your advice!
Those are good ideas, and you gave me great food for thought ☺️!
Though I did mention that I'm using what I have for this team, so specific natures and  abilities are out of option...
As for hone claws, Blaziken specifically, in addition to improving it's attack stat, it improves it's accuracy, witch I thought would be good considering the consequences of missing (high jump kick especially)
You both gave great advice, thanx again!!
@gochuumonusagi in the future, please respond to comments by commenting, not changing your entire answer for the sole purpose of responding to said comment.