Pokémon Rate My Team
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Pokémon Y team Competitive [OU]

Charizard [Blaze] (M)
Tough claws, Jolly
252atk, 252spd, 4hp
@Charizarite X
Role: Physical lead
•Fire punch
•Dragon claw
•Iron tail
•Dragon dance

Lead for most battles (Especially if foe is leading with Ferro/ Fortress) Switch in when there is no immediate danger and dragon dance while opponent switches. Then sweep. Iron tail is there for coverage (Fairies, rocks) while fire punch has no recoil. Dragon claw is STAB boosted with tough claws.

Clawitzer [Launcher] (F)
Mega launcher, Modest
252spatk, 100def, 100spdef, 56hp
Role: Bulky special sweeper
•Water pulse
•Dragon pulse
•Dark pulse
•Aura sphere

Used anytime as a special sweeper. It will be bulky enough to take hits while able to dish out damage on its own. Focus on pure attacking, no need for boosts. All moves are boosted with ability. Water pulse may cause confusion, Aura sphere is coverage against steels who generally resists this set. Plus the mega launcher boost is nice.

Aegislash [Keyblade] (M)
Stance change, Brave
252atk, 120spdef, 120def, 16hp
@Life orb
Role: Physical attacker
•King's shield
•Swords dance
•Sacred sword
•Shadow sneak

Set up king's shield to switch to shield forme and set up swords dance, twice if possible. Then pirority kill with STAB life orb shadow sneak. Sacred sword is for Normals and darks. Brave nature is against other Aegislashes so that when they are in blade forme, he shadow sneaks and kills them. Love the harsh attack drop against physical spammers which forces a switch-out and a free turn of s-dance though.

Mandibuzz [Death] (F)
Overcoat, Calm
100hp, 200def, 200spdef, 8spd
Role: Wall
•Knock off

You know where this is going. Toxic is to slowly kill the opponent while roosting to shake off the damage taken. Defog to clear hazards who pose a cobsiderable threat to my team, the bulk will allow her to easily set it up. Knock off is to disable the foe's lefties/bands;scarfs/Sashes to spoil the opponent's stratergy. The bit of speed is for outspeeding most set-uppers and maybe smeargle, this gal will be hard to take down.
Overcoat is just a bonus as it is immue to spore. Problem Smeargle?

Hydreigon [Cyrus] (M)
Levitate, Timid
252spatk,252spd,4hp @Choice specs
Role: Specs special sweeper
•Dragon pulse
•Dark pulse
•Earth power

Specs boost spatk to deadly levels, and usually one STAB specs dragon pulse would ohko. Dark pulse is for the Aegislashes and Trevants and has abosolutely beastly power with STAB and specs ;while flamethrower and earth power cover nearly all types. Hits fast and hard. Probably switching out often. Used as a late-game sweeper with specs.

Avalugg [Iceberg] (M)
Strudy, Adamant
252atk, 100hp, 156def @Assualt vest
Role: Bulky physical sweeper
•Gyro ball

Used when there is a physical attacker to wall. High attack and no speed evs compliments gyro ball and Alavanche. Gyro ball wrecks rocks and fairies with that low speed, and avalanche is beastly when moving last. Earthquake is for coverage and is plain awesome. Assualt vest is to make it bulky enough to take a special hit. Crunch is just for coverage.

All suggestions welcome.

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1 Answer

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Replace fire punch withFlare Blitz, more powerful physical move, even though theres recoil damage. Replace Iron tail with solar beam which covers a bunch of Charizard's weaknesses including water, rock, and ground. And give Hydreigon sunny day so solar beam will only take one turn instead of two plus amazing power.
For hydreigon get rid of earth power and give it sunny day since avalugg already has earthquake.
Then I would choose a Togekiss, Carbink or Shuckle instead of mandibuzz, for better type diversity. Togekiss has great Defense, special defense, and special attack. Shuckle and Carbink both have Defense and Special defense stats over 150. With protect, toxic, and leftovers held any of these three with protect toxic and leftovers can use the strategy of badly poisoning opponents, using protect while recovering HP from leftovers, and attacking now and then. Togekiss and Carbink can use Dazzzling gleam as an attack, and shuckle can use earthquake.

charizard doesnt have an ground weakness
Both shuckle and carbink are pretty bad
It's a specs set, sunny day would be dumb. On a charizard d-dance set, physical moves are better
"and shuckle can use earthquake" sure, it could, if you want to do less then 20% damage on a 4x weak pokemon.
After mega evolving, mega charizard loses it's flying type to gain a dragon type, so yes, it forfeits it's ground immunity.