Pokémon Rate My Team
3 votes

Hey folks, MrKijani here with another rare RMT. This time it’s for UU. Now the Gen 6 UU tier is still unconfirmed, so this team is a combination of Pokemon I think will end up in UU, and also those that were previously in UU. In any case I don’t think we’re likely to see them in OU or Ubers so I’ve got a good chance of being able to keep the team for UU Gen 6.

Now the team itself is a Volt-Turn team. I’ve never been successful at using Volt-Turn, and I should probably get some lessons on momentum in battles, so the team may be a little sketchy. But it’s so far done really well at 47-8 although several of those battles were against people with no Megas and no Gen 6, so… yeah.

Anyway, this team was a challenge as I’ve never created a successful Volt-Turn team, and I quite often play with defensively biased balanced teams. So I wanted to create a team that sort of fit that. Luckily for me, Gligar has U-Turn and Stealth Rocks. This coupled with a Specially Defensive Hitmontop to spin gave me some leeway for pokemon and playstyle.

Quick look at the team:
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The team in detail:

Crobat @ Black Sludge
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Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Roost
- Super Fang
- U-turn

This pokemon got a huge buff with its ability Infiltrator. Allowing it to bypass Substitute and strike the opponent directly. It's my wallbreaker on the team and works tremendously well. I can get away with running the Support spread because of Super Fang, bringing each and every pokemon (bar ghosts) down to half HP. This opens them to a kill from one of my own teammates, or a kill from STAB Brave Bird. Roost works well healing off residual damage and any Seismic Tosses. Full speed allows me to outpseed any non-scarfers and get out with U-Turn to threaten them greatly and force switches allowing me to keep my momentum. I've always liked the Bat, and it fits well on this team.

Gligar @ Eviolite
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Ability: Immunity
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- U-turn
- Roost
- Earthquake

This guy made the team for two reasons, A) He could set up Rocks. B) He could tank any physical hit and still maintain momentum with U-Turn. His only role on the team is to be a switch in to physical attackers, and set up hazards, so that's how his Set is geared. With Roost to heal off residual damage, he can repeatedly come in and get up Rocks whenever I can. Rocks is essential in a tier with Fire types and Flying types such as Chandelure and Togekiss. Earthquake is STAB and works well killing off any remaining pokemon who have no way to recover. U-Turn is to keep up momentum. EVs are simple, and Immunity keeps this little guy from getting stalled with annoying Toxic, also works well as a switch in to Toxic.

Rotom @ Choice Scarf
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Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Shadow Ball
- Trick
- Hidden Power [Grass]

I needed a Scarfer and I wanted a spin blocker and someone to switch in to Fighting moves and Rotom fits the bill. With a higher base speed than other Rotom forms I can switch out of incoming Rotom-Heat Overheats and switch to someone who tanks them a bit better. HP Grass is to hit Swampert because that thing wrecks ***. Trick allows me to screw over any walls that need some heavy screwing*. Shadow Ball and Volt Switch are STABs, and really don't need explanation.

Victini @ Choice Band
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Ability: Victory Star
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Jolly Nature
- Bolt Strike
- U-turn
- V-create
- Zen Headbutt

Speaking of Swampert wrecking ****... Choice Band Victini is a monster. Capable of 2HKO'ing some of the best defensive walls in the tier this Gen 5 Mousy Monster is simply dangerous. I particularly like bringing it in after Crobat simply to destroy stuff for free. I'm not a fan of V-Create much, but a 180 Base Power STAB is just too good to pass up. Bolt Strike is some awesome coverage against some of the most prominent flying and water types such as Togekiss, Crobat and Blastoise. Zen Headbutt is secondary STAB and works really well against the Nido couple and also Roost Crobat who would like to avoid Bolt Strike. U-Turn is great for momentum and couple with max speed often goes first and gets me out of those nasty Victini counters.

Hitmontop (M) @ Leftovers
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Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SDef / 8 Spd
Careful Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Counter
- Toxic
- Rest

Kind of a set in progress, but I wanted a spinner, but I also wanted Top to be able to heal himself. Toxic works well against Ghosties like Dusclops, especially coupled with Rest to get rid of Burns. Counter was chosen over the customary Close Combat because this guy can survive Physical attacks after Intimidate, but also because I got tired of doing little amounts of damage and getting Defense drops from CC. Rapid Spin is obvious, Volt-Turn teams don't want those hazards lying around too long. I run 8 Speed EVs to outspeed other Tops allowing me to Toxic + Rest, and since Counter has -Priority anyway, I can get away with it. So far it's worked well and surprises a lot of people.

Ampharos @ Ampharosite
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Ability: Static > Mold Breaker
EVs: 168 SAtk / 252 HP / 88 Def
Modest Nature
- Volt Switch
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast
- Thunderbolt

I was originally going for Mega-Manectric but Ampharos has some better bulk and a STAB Dragon move. Now having him here did open me to a dragon weakness, however,
252 Atk Flygon Outrage vs. 248 HP / 88 Def Mega Ampharos: 288-342 (75.1 - 89.2%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
And since most Flygon run Dragon Claw anyway (Thanks Fairies) I'm rarely in trouble.
Changed to Focus Blast as suggested by I_am_A_Garchomp, working bit better now. Thunderbolt is my main clean-up STAB, while Volt Switch helps me keep momentum.

Some Replays:

MrKijani vs murrrkrow
MrKijani vs DemonFlygawne


Lenub didn't have anything really bad to say about so I guess I did ok this time round.

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Not gonna lie man, 3d Ampharos is freaking me out

Dat Ice weakness though
Ever heard of scarfed Abomasnow
I mean woah
That'll really blow

Similarly bulky water-grounds
Could really go to town
And take much of your team down
With only Crobat giving you a chance for a turn-around
How does that sound?

And with the abundance of rain
I.E. water with ice coverage for maximum pain
What to you may have seemed mundane
May actually be your disdain
Yes! Someone finally uses Mega-Ampharos   :)
Change Signal Beam on Rotom for Trick. For annoying walls like Slowbro and Evoilite Gligar.
Thought I'd done that already >.>
Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
I think you can consider something other than Crobat since I just think it's adding another Ice weakness to the team; you already have Hitmontop for spinning, so it's not like Crobat is needed for something like Defog.
/me feels special for seeing this RMT before anyone else <3

Nah Mr.K posted this exact thing on smogon a while back :D

1 Answer

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Best answer

Hey MrK even though you beat me with this team (>.>) I see slight problems with it :O

The only problem I see with this is that you're lacking something on your entire team to take down fairy types (lol Florges) you really need Cross Poison. I usually would not suggest Cross Poison on any UU team, but I guess me seeing Florges on 4/5 teams really changed my point of view. I know you have Victini, but Victini really gets screwed over by a lot of defensive stuff. Other than that, I really don't have much to say c: However I see how super fang could be useful, but honestly what does Brave Bird do? You only have 4 Atk invested, and BB only adds to the recoil.

Ew what a Gligar nub.
Maybe the only thing on here is switch the Pokemon? Idk, You have a scary ice weakness there, opening up for a BoltBeam weakness pretty badly. However I guess Victini can tank those. However the only other thing I can think of Atm is Cobalion, and that creates a ground weakness, so yeah.

Rotom is good.

Speaking of Victini earlier, have you tried Adamant? Dang that hits hard :O However I've never really used it, so try it I guess :p

The only thing I'm really not sure about is the rest. I guess it would work, if something on your team absolutely needs Spin support, and that's Victini. Victini is basically your ice counter, fairy counter (If you don't run Cross Poison) and basically puts the team on its back. So anyway I'm suggesting foresight, because any bulky ghost can come in and just wall this guy. Also, using toxic on Dusclops is useless, since 99% of them are RestTalk. So replace it with either rest/toxic.

Ampharos is also good.

Well that's all I have to say, main suggestions are:
This team is very weak to the BoltBeam combo, and if the other team has SR support without you being able to spin them away (Hence why Foresigh on Top) it can get easily swept.

Nothing to hit Fairies extremely well, I mean Super Fang + BB and VCreate are good, but who is going to stay in on Victini, and once they see that BB isn't doing as much damage as it should be, well they don't have much to fear do they, expecially after Wish Protect.

Maybe change Gligar for Cobalion? Cobalion is equally bulky but has Leftovers Recovery and can abuse T Wave and Volt Switch. Only problem is that it has no recovery outside of rest, so idk. However adding Cobalion will lessen the boltBeam hurt, and it can come in on a knock off and actually get a justified boost, unlike Gligar, sooo.... just something to consider.

I didn't mention this earlier but your team is SUPER weak to Psychic types, well not really, but the only thing that can come in safely on one is Victini, making it all the more important to keep alive :P

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Generally when it comes to fairies I can use the ultimate strategy and force switches while Volt-Turning to keep up my momentum. It's how I've dealt with every Florges I've come across, and so far I haven't lost against them.
Gligar is a monster wall and I am MASSIVELY resistant to changing him. The team practically thrives around being able to switch into him. And really you mentioned BoltBeam, but Gligar is one of my counters to the Bolt part of that. I am aware of my Beam weakness, but so far it hasn't proven an issue..... so far.
Psychic types, yeah scary. Latias hasn't beaten me yet. Thanks U-Turn. But I do understand that carrying a few pokemon weak to it and little counters.

Also on that Victini Band power note, I can get a 2HKO on standard Defensive Gligar running Jolly.

Foresight is a great idea and I will work that in, I've enjoyed residual damage from Toxic, but I guess Victini and Crobat really enjoy that spin support.

But as you said, "Who's going to stay in on Victini". That's the entire idea behind the team is switching between my pokes and threatening the opponent badly enough that they are forced to switch. They can't win a game if they can't attack me.
Raikour is a problem to this team because of the boltbeam combo and raikour was who came to my mind when i said it x3
victini was actually just something to try out i didn't calc or anything
not excatly sure how volt turning helps againt florges because they can just wish pass/protect :\ but idk also don't forget chansey unless victini is healthy chansey also walls this team :P
Ok, what if I change Crobat to my scarfer and switch out Roost for Cross Poison. I can change Rotom to better deal with the issues you've found on the team, who would I switch Rotom to?
Someone who can still Volt-Turn mind you.
Hm.. tbh the only thing i can find is bulky eelektross with specs x3
However, maybe if you changed Crobat to Physical Mew with learns Poison Jab, Super Fang, bu tno brave bird but DOES have roost it will lessen the t bolt hurt and mew is more bulky :D also doesn't take that much damage from SR