Ok this guy is good but Spike cannon is a waste here, it only amounts to 100 base power, you should go with Razor shell so you will have an attack neutral to Steel types instead of three not very effective also you will have another STAB move.
This guy is again good but Energy ball is unnecessary, you are better off with Hidden power Fighting to cover that Dark type weakness and Steel Type resistance.
Good, you may want to consider Leftovers instead of muscle band, also you should replace Stone-edge or Ice-fang for Earthquake to cover that hideous Electric type weakness.
Again good but you are walled by Steel. Swap Roost or S-dance for Brick-break.
Good no suggestions.
Speed freak sends out grass type, Mew: "Oops". This guy does nothing to Grass types, you will want Hidden power(Ice), Signal beam or at least Shadow-ball instead of Thunder.
Team working together.
Not very well. You have 3 water Types two of which are weak to Electric and no defense against Electric Types. Switch out one of them for a strong Ground Type, Garchomp is a good one, as is Landorus. Also your going to have a tough time with Steel Types even with one of the two I previously mentioned maybe throwing in a Fire or Fighting Type. I hope I helped.