Pokémon Rate My Team
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Once again, I am aware that this is not an actual tier on Showdown or PO, but I use it on 3DS wi-fi battles anyways :/

How it works - Qwilfish, Golduck, and Greninja are sent out first on the left, center, and right, respectively. Greninja is the fastest, so it expectantly uses Mat Block. Golduck is the second fastest, so it uses Simple Beam on Qwilfish, which then uses Minimize, raising its evasiveness drastically. On the next turn, Golduck will Psych Up this, and Qwilfish will either use Minimize again or make a Substitute. After this turn, Golduck makes its own Substitute. Depending on the type effectiveness or damaging possibility, Greninja will either use Dark Pulse or Ice Beam and wait to get Eject-Buttoned out (if it survives), or use U-Turn if it wants to switch out immediately (even though this doesn't do too much). This will be used for Mat Block support later (depending on whether I've used Trick Room or not). Upon Greninja being ejected, either Slowking or Quagsire would be sent out. Slowking might use Trick Room if Golduck is near possible fainting, or to boost Fish and Duck with first-turn Heal Pulse once they get enough protection (they would probably move last if I did this). If Golduck faints and Trick Room has been used, Octillery is sent out. Octillery would most likely use Water Spout while in Trick Room, as loss of HP is less vulnerable. Quagsire could be sent out in multiple situations on the left or right sides, as it is usually not the first target an opponent would choose, but it is more useful in Trick Room. It would use either Curse or Amnesia first, depending on the largest threat. Once it has gained enough defensive boosts, Quagsire is extremely hard to get by, as its only weaknesses are Grass and Freeze-Dry, and if it is being attacked physically, there is a possibility that the opponent would be doing more damage to itself than to Quagsire (Rocky Helmet), depending how many times Curse was used. Opposing stat boosts also won't work on Quagsire because of its ability, Unaware. Golduck's Cloud Nine will also hypothetically prevent any Politoed-with-a-Lapras-using-Thunder "strategy" or any Charizard-Y-and-Venusaur-and-Noivern-all-using-SolarBeam "strategy" because it nullifies the effects of weather.

Qwilfish @ Black Sludge
Ability: Swift Swim (would be Intimidate if I could find it)
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
- Minimize
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave or Toxic Spikes
- Waterfall

Golduck @ Sitrus Berry (might change this to Focus Sash)
Ability: Cloud Nine
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Sp. Atk / 4 HP
- Simple Beam
- Psych Up
- Substitute
- Scald or Hydro Pump

Greninja @ Eject Button
Ability: Torrent (I would use Protean if I could find it
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Sp. Atk / 4 HP
- Mat Block
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam
- U-Turn (yes, I know that Special and Physical Attacks on the same Pokémon is not a smart choice)

Slowking @ Lum Berry (might change to Leftovers)
Ability: Oblivious
Nature: Sassy
EVs: 252 Sp. Def / 128 HP / 128 Sp. Atk
IVs: 0 Spd (if convenient)
- Trick Room
- Heal Pulse
- Yawn or Ice Beam or Psychic
- Scald

Octillery @ Assault Vest
Ability: Moody
Nature: Quiet
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk / 252 HP / 4 Sp. Def
IVs: 0 Spd (necessary)
- Water Spout
- Flamethrower
- Energy Ball
- Ice Beam

Quagsire @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Unaware
Nature: Relaxed
EVs: 128 Def / 128 Sp. Def / 128 HP / 126 Atk
IVs: 0 Spd (if convenient)
- Curse
- Amnesia
- Recover
- Waterfall

The main thing I'm worried about is combining two completely different strategies together that might have a negative effect on either strategy. Greninja is basically useless in Trick Room, so I find that that would be problematic. However, I think that combining the two strategies could work in my favor as well.

Also, Moody and Minimize are not banned on X & Y Battle Spot, which this team is intended for. I don't intend to use this team on any online metagame.

Please note that this team is only in an experimental stage, so I'm completely open to any suggestions or criticism.

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But you should know that Triples and Rotation are never really played, so ...
On X/Y Battle Spot, it's not very hard to get in a Triple Battle. Indeed, it's not played as much as Singles or Doubles, but people definitely play it. Showdown doesn't have Triples, and nobody ever plays it on Pokémon Online, (this team is illegal there), but that's not the case on Battle Spot.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Magikarp, if you want my recommendation, the Minimize and Psych Up strategy is far from being a bad idea. But mix it up in Trick Room and you have there a strategy that takes forever to set up My best recommendation is that the first three Pokémons act like a core of Psych Up and boost, and that the other is a Water Trick Room core.

Core 1: Setup and Psych Up


I would go for setup Qwilfish as it seems that you are building a Psych Up strategy. So:

Qwilfish @ Black Sludge:
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Adamant Nature

  • Spikes
  • Swords Dance
  • Minimize
  • Waterfall

Simple, yet destructive set to use. If everything goes right for you, then you have an invisible sweeper at your sides.


Simple Beam Qwilfish, then Qwilfish sets a layer of Spikes and copy its boosts. Be wary if your opponent went to copy your stats. But I'd suggest physical Golduck, because Swords Dance boost.

Golduck @ Weakness Policy:
Trait: Cloud Nine
EVs: 252 Speed / 172 Atk / 84 Def
Jolly Nature

  • Waterfall
  • Substitute
  • Psych Up
  • Simple Beam


You have two Taunt Baits, so you need Greninja to use Taunt for preventing your opponent from Taunting you.

Greninja @ Focus Sash:
Trait: Protean (Torrent for now)
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Sp.Def
Jolly Nature

  • Night Slash
  • Water Suriken
  • Taunt
  • Mat Block

Support, physical Greninja. Enjoy :)

Core 2: Trick Room


Leftovers. And you are fine.




EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp.Def / 4 Atk


In fact, the first core is harder to use, and thus more workable. The second was easy to fix up, but monstrously hard to counter if your opponent lacks a slowe Pokémon.

Good Luck :)

Hope I helped !

~ Sincerely yours, Blitz of Justice.

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Hey, thanks for the suggestions!

I like the idea of Qwilfish with Swords Dance, because if it was Simple Beamed, it's Attack would triple. Golduck would then Psych up it once it has the chance and I've got two sweepers that the opponent can barely touch. I'll switch Swords Dance out with Thunder Wave, but if you're doing an Evasiveness strategy, Substitute is a necessity, and Spikes isn't needed as much as it. Golduck's Sp. Atk. is slightly higher than its Attack, but if it Psychs Up 3x Attack, there's no arguing. Greninja is a better Special Attacker, in my opinion (and statwise), and Water Shuriken would be a good move if it were on Cloyster (unfortunately it's not) with Skill Link than it would be with Greninja, who is fast enough for the priority not to be of much use. I guess that if you were Trick Rooming, that would be a good plan, but I have better things to use for that, such as Octillery, which is slow as heck. I will switch U-Turn for Taunt, though. Quagsire is definitely going to need Defense stats, and as its HP is good, its Defense and Special Defense are being boosted, and its Attack really needs to be of some use, I leveled out its stats (I was able to beat an Arceus with only this Quagsire left using a different team. It was a noob who was controlling it, but still...). Extremely few Pokémon are slower than Quagsire (the only common ones that are slower than it are, like, Shuckle, Ferrothorn, and Reuniclus), so the only thing that's going to fix the Speed issue is Trick Room, and then it's really useful!

Anyways, thanks again for the suggestions! I'll take some of these into consideration :)
Just a warning to anyone who reads this, Qwilfish only learns Swords Dance in FR/LG via the move tutor. I learned this lesson the hard way :(

I have FireRed, so it's not a problem, though.
Oh heck :(