Pokémon Rate My Team
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Super new at this, mostly just using mons i personally like that happen to be high tier. Tear it down 100% if my personal preference has made me lean towards Radical rather than Practical.

The line up:

Scizor ~
Gliscor ~
Aegislash ~
Volcarona ~
Starmie ~
Goodra ~

Mecha Scizor (Scizor) @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 HP
Adamant Nature

Scyther was the coolest damn thing when i was a kid. My little mind was literally blown when i found out he evolved. However, I was somewhat hesitant about megavolving Scizor, since he can hit harder with a Life Orb and such, But my team doesn't have any other candidates, and the bulk increase prompted me to give up a standard coverage type move for Roost. I feel it's a pretty basic set. Simple but effective.

Swords Dance - The obvious. With his increased Def stats and the new Roost i put on him, I feel that he could be a powerful late game sweeper, provided you've taken out any fire users.
Roost - It's basically Recover. I feel his typing, and even more so, his new Mega defenses, create a perfect situation to use this over and over.
Bullet Punch - To hit stuff. His basic of basic attacks.
Pursuit - Just try to run! Technician boost and double power on fleeing mons. I love it.

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SDef
Adamant Nature

I've always loved Gligar, and i even used him for awhile. Similar to Scizor, when i found out about his evolution i flipped tables. However, Gliscor has been an ever changing mon for me. It seems like i can never make a set for him and keep it. I feel that this time i've gotten the moves down (Although Fling is still iffy) but more than anything, i'm at a loss as to what to do with his EV's. The HP and Def EV's you see now are to give him more HP to poison heal, and to let him set up his Swords Dance.

Swords Dance - He has 95 attack stat, which is usable, and by giving him bulk i aim to use this more than once, however i'm not sure if added bulk for set up is better than straight attack EV's.
Fling - Admittedly, this move is strange. After Gliscor poisons himself, i can use this to Toxic something, and thus increase Acrobatics power. I'm not 100% sure if this is actually useful or just kinda gimmicky.
Acrobatics - After Fling, it's a 110 power 100 accuracy STAB.
Earthquake - Earthquake is really good, nothing special here.

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: STance Change
EVs: 252 Atk / 128 Def / 128 SDef
Adamant Nature

This thing caused me a ton of grief, because it was competing against Gyarados for a spot on my team. I had Gyarados ever since Silver (I was a sucker for that red one) and i was sad to see him go. That said, This thing is a badass ghost sword. As if that wasn't enough awesome factor, Stance Change and King's Shield give it a completely unique fighting style (As a member of the FGC, i like stange fighting styles). I have no bleeding idea how this thing will do competitively, but i like it.

Swords Dance - It's a sword. Scizor and Gliscor have claws. It would be a crime not to have this move.
King’s Shield - This move man, it's mind games. This mon is all about Yomi.
Sacred Sword - A fighting move thats neat for coverage and has a nifty effect.
Shadow Sneak - It's like Bullet Punch. Priority for finishing weakened foes off.

Volcarona @ Shell Bell
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature

Another mon that just went immediately into my team as soon as i seen it. It's so friggen cool. Yes, i am aware of it's massive Stealth Rock weakness, but damnit i love this guy and i'm gonna do my best to make him work. Basic sweeper stuff, got to go fast. I gave him Flame Body to potentially ward off or punish physical attacks, because that's his most blatant weakness. I also gave him the Shell Bell because he doesn't have many HP, but he can do tons of damage.

Quiver Dance - His base speed and speed EV's are good, not great, but how often does something this fast buff it's speed? Got to go fast. Plus Special Att and Def boost.
Giga Drain - Covers water weakness and works with Shell Bell to keep him healed.
Bug Buzz - STAB. Can lower Special Def.
Fiery Dance - Stab. Can raise Special Att.

Starmie @ Expert Belt
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature

Starmie started, way back in the day, as a Surf Slave in Gen I for me. After just having her around for so long, she just became a part of the team, and i've been using her ever since. It must have been fate, because i'm not very fond of trap mons like Fortress and Ferrothorn, so i don't have any traps like that. Starmie however, can Rapid Spin those annoying things away! I love it. Starmie also doubles as my Dragon killa. Expert Belt for Dragon killin.

Recover - I've always had this on Starmie. Never ever gonna take it off XD
Rapid Spin - Thank Game Freak for this move.
Scald - I picked Scald over Surf (Ironically) for the 30% burn chance. It's only 10 power weaker, and a random burn could really help a match.
Ice Beam - Dragon Killin.

Goodra @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 SDef
Quiet Nature

A.K.A The cutest goddamn thing you've ever seen. Take your Salamences and your Garchomps and your Haxoruses and weep at their ugly faces compared to my Goodra. Eat your heart out Dragonite. This mon is a strange Special wall mixed attacker... Thing. I don't really know what her role is. She's cute. However, with her Assault Vest, i was contemplating putting those SpDef EV's into regular Defense or maybe even Hp. I'm not sure. Sap Sipper is here because i have no one immune to Leech Seed, Spore, Poison Powder and stuff like that. I'm not entirely sure how common these are though.

Draco Meteor - For when something needs to die.
Fire Blast - This is more accurate than Thunder or Blizzard, which is why it's here. I'm usually a stickler for accuracy, but this can wipe quite a few things off the map.
Thunderbolt - This move is really just for coverage and Faries. Azumarill and Togekiss eat this like no tomorrow.
Earthquake - A wild card. Used for a bit of mixup.

So have at it! Lemme know what you would change, who you would take out, who you would add, whatever. I look forward to it :D

edited by
Just decided to edit your post, making it a bit easier to read, and using a better format for a pokemon's competitive data.

Format being:

[Pokemon] @ [Item]
Ability: [State the Ability used]
EVs: [EV on specified stat] / [EV on specified stat] / [etc]
[State the Nature used] Nature
- Move
- Move
- Move
- Move
Oh, and a sidenote;

HP = HP (obvious)
Atk = Attack
Def = Defense
SAtk = Special Attack
SDef = Special Defense
Spd = Speed

1 Answer

0 votes

Scizor, a bulky Scizor will not sweep as you've suggested simply because something will come in and status you (Rotom-W everywhere), not to mention the fact he's lacking speed and your team is not geared towards killing Fire types. In addition, a Scizor without U-turn is like a Gen1 Pokedex with 150 pages out of 151 complete. I would replace Pursuit with U-turn as it is most likely that on the turn you setup a swords dance the enemy will switch in the check (Rotom-W everywhere).

Gliscor, the Fling idea is gimmicky and not the most competitive but I actually quite like it and will try it on Showdown later... so props ;) The only suggestion here is re-working the EV's since it doesn't matter what EV's he has, he will die to an Ice beam.

Aegislash, that's a good set and the good EV's. Aegislash is a complete monster... it's checks are Pokemon with Earthquake (as Kings Sheild does not lower the enemies attack when they use Earthquake... Just consider this when you're battling).

Volcarona, good set and as long as 'spd' is Speed and not SpD (SpDefense) then you're fine. Don't worry about Stealth Rocks, you have a spinner.

Starmie, recover on Starmie isn't good competitively because Starmie cannot take hits, most things people will hit you with will OHKO you undoubtedly, Gengar's Shadowball, Scizor's Uturn, Aeigslash's +2 Shadow Sneak. So yeah, Recover is completely unnecessary and I suggest you alter your ways ;)

Goodra, Assault vest Gooey is my man<3 absolute beast. Leech seed and Spore are extremely common. I think a better use of EV's is in HP and Defense, Goodra rely's on hitting super effective moves so the investment in SpAttack is not needed imo... and ofc, the Assault vest means you should probably invest the SpDefense EV's into regular defense.

Overall, your team is has good synergy and good sets... primarily you need to look at Starmies recover and Scizor's pursuit. (Try to include stealth rocks in your team).

P.S One of the best RMT's I've seen on here, I love your introductions to each Pokemon haha.


I actually originally had U-Turn on Scizor for all the right reasons, but Pursiut was suggested to me and i actually quite liked the idea of getting in another hit on switching mons. I looked up Rotom-W and he's a washing machine. So that's a thing. But yeah, he walls Bullet Punch like a champ, and could throw status all over me. I suppose if i the washing machine came out i could U-Turn into Gliscor and laugh off the status. Is it worth giving up Pursuit for U-Turn for this one situation?

And about Starmie, some people have suggested that i remover her from my team completely. I was iffy about Recover in competitive use, but i was fairly confidant in her speed and special attack, especially for dragon killin. Getting rid of Recover could give her more coverage, and if Recover is gonna be useless then it seems like a good idea.

Random question: Could i get Defog on a Poison Heal Gliscor? It was recommended i  replace Gliscor with a Defog Mandibuzz and get rid of spinner Starmie altogether, But the thought of giving up Gliscor for that creepy vulture bird thingy make me weep.
Yes for that situation alone it is worth having U-turn, however U-turn also serves multiple other purposes... you can switch in Scizor just after you feint to revenge kill (the enemy will expect bullet punch) and you U-turn so that when they switch 1. you get a niceeee hit off on them and you get to switch into something to counter them. I can't stress enough how much U-turn is required.

I like Starmie for Dragon Killin' but in truth there's a better Pokemon who does Starmie's Dragon killin' a lot better + other things. GRENINJA... My god it's so good. Special water attacker like Starmie but it has 'Protean' and that means any move it uses will be STAB (if you use Dark Pulse he turns into a Dark type)... It is also considerably faster than Starmie. You can opt for Shadow Sneak and use it to dodge fighting type attacks, or Spikes to dodge Electric type attacks (common as he's weak to Electric). Yeah, I've got a bit fanboyish for Greninja but he is certainly better than Starmie.

No, Gliscor can't have defog and poison heal because he gets Defog from Generation4, where he cannot have Poison heal.