Pokémon Rate My Team
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The team at a glance:

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Possible Terrakion Replacement:

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Teambuilding Process:

Special Infernape, because I had only ever used the physical version before and I must say I was underwhelmed by it. However, this is not the same with Special 'Nape, as this exceeded my expectations, becoming the main star of the team. I decided that I would use MegaZard-Y, as I had only ever used X before, and found that it just needed too much setup to use. Also, Drought gives me power For both Zard and Infernape, so it's all good. Then I realized that Rotom-W walks all over me, along with other Water types, barring Solarbeam. I then found the perfect Rotom counter in Gastrodon, whose Grass weakness is covered by Zard, and it also serves as my Toxic/Burn (Scald) inducer, allowing me to win stall wars with Recover as well. Also acts as Special wall and electric immunity. As I was using Zard, I wanted to get rid of Sneaky Pebbles, and as I don't really use hazards. I saw no problem with using a Defogger. Mandibuzz fits this role very well, and also acts as my physical wall and ground immunity. Bisharp is there as my physical attacker + Physical priority, whilst Terrakion is my other Physical attacker and Scarfer. Terrakion does the least work, so I'm looking for another Physical Scarfer (strictly no Dragons D:<, currently using Mienshao.) Mienshao may replace because Reckless HJK does a ton of damage, able to 2HKO fully invested Mandibuzz even after Lefties 99.6% of the time. In comparison, Terrakions Close Combat only has a 0.9% chance to 3HKO. (I know it would use Stone Edge, but it was for comparison purposes :P) Whilst not STAB, Mienshao also gets Stone Edge, as well as Knock Off for Ghosts who think they can make me lose 50%, and U-Turn for scouting.

The Movesets:

(Infernape) @ Life Orb
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EVs: 252 SpA/ 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Timid
- Vacuum Wave
- Fire Blast
- Focus Blast
- Grass Knot

A Gen 4 moveset, and one that is still perfectly viable. I switched Nasty Plot for Vacuum Wave because this gen, priority is king and new threats like Greninja and Terrakion lurk since those D/P/Pt days. This is the main Sweeper of the team and it does a damn good job, taking at least 2 heads per match >:D Fire Blast and Focus Blast are the main STAB attacks, and are quite spammable, despite the low accuracy. Grass Knot deals with the bulky waters other than Vaporeon and Rotom. Rotom hates Gastro, and Vap is 2HKO'd by Solar Beam.

Charizard-Z (Charizard) @ Charizardite Y
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EVs: 252 SpA/ 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Ability: Blaze --> Drought
Nature: Timid
- Fire Blast
- Solar Beam
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Air Slash

Fire Blast in the Sun is stupidly powerful, so that's the main STAB. No more explanation needed. Solar Beam cleans up Water and Rock types, whilst HP Ground says bye to Heatran and Electric types. Air Slash is for secondary STAB and lets me hurts Mega-Venosaur. Drought also boosts Infernapes Fire Blast.

2Sharp4U (Bisharp) @ Dread Plate
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EVs: 108 HP / 252 Atk / 144 Spe
Ability: Defiant
Nature: Adamant
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Power-Up Punch

Sucker Punch is very good and powerful priority STAB, provided I predict right. Knock Off is very powerful STAB and also lets me get rid of items, barring Mega Stones. Iron Head is solid secondary STAB with handy flinch in clutch situations. Finally, Power-Up Punch allows me to take advantage of the switches this thing forces, particularly Heatran as I get SE move, +1 Atk and I outspeed for another one if weakened or Knock Off if not. EVs to outspeed speed-creeping Rotom and catch surprise KO's, as well as outspeeding Heatran (both with no investment.)

Manlyboss (Mandibuzz) @ Leftovers
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EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp Def
Ability: Overcoat
Nature: Impish
- Foul Play
- Knock Off
- Defog
- Roost

Pretty standard stuff right here. Physical wall, beats the physical sweepers over the head with their own brooms thanks to Foul Play, irritates walls by knocking off items, gets rid of hazards with Defog and Roosts to keep the troll going.

Eatin' it up (Gastrodon) @ Leftovers
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EVs: 252 HP / 40 Def / 212 Sp Def
Ability: Storm Drain
Nature: Bold
- Recover
- Scald
- Earth Power / Ice Beam
- Toxic

After playing around with nature and EV spreads, I prefer this one as it gives me good Physical bulk whilst still eating up Special hits. Scald burns and gives pseudo Physical bulk, as well as being STAB and doing ok damage for a wall. Toxic lets me slowly kill things, Earth Power is just secondary STAB (thinking of switching for Ice Beam for those grass switches) and Recover to errrrr...recover. This guy is my usual lead as it shuts down Rotom, Mamo and other SR setters (apart from the odd Energy Ball Deoxys-S, NonePiece...)

Terra of Life (Terrakion) @ Choice Scarf
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EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Ability: Justified
Nature: Jolly
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Iron Head

EdgeQuake combo is half STAB and very good coverage. Close Combat is another huge STAB attack, and Iron Head disintegrates Fairies.

And the possible (probable) replacement:

Wong Foo King Switch (Mienshao) @ Choice Scarf
enter image description here
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Ability: Reckless
Nature: Jolly
- High Jump Kick
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off
- U-Turn

As mentioned earlier, this could replace Terrakion simply because of the retarded amount of damage Reckless HJK does. Also, it does get Stone Edge, which still hurts despite not being STAB. Knock Off screws the Ghosts who think they're so high and mighty they can't be touched, and U-Turn scouts my opponents moves

So, that's the team, and I welcome all comments (kinda), especially on choosing a Physical Scarfer (No Dragons D:<)

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Dat DT edit
Yup, ty DT
what! no ape that rapes? :'C
Do I really need to explain why I took "rape" out the equation? :P

There's also that and it was too long. Having an answer in the post means it's harder for people to search for.
Since we're going Gen IV, try Scarf Scizor.
Got my vote btw :3
I think I have faced this team o3o
Yup, against my mono-steel team. :P I know now why it was called the ape that rapes

Dat Fighting weakness

And Fairies can mash you up too

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

First thing I notice when I look at this team is, holy cow dat FAIRY WEAKNESS
Then I notice holy cow dat FIGHTING WEAKNESS

Infernape Overall very good, however the one thing that I can't seem to grasp the the idea of Grass Knot? The way I see it, the only real water's in OU are Rotom-W, and maybe Vaporeon, both of which Focus Blast does more to anyway.

♦ So I suggest running Hidden Power [Ice]. Right now your set is walled by a lot of dragons, but adding HP Ice will help with that.

Charizard-Y The way I see it is that CharY is your only fighting counter, yes yes? Well right now it's extremely frail, relying on Defog to help. So I'm suggesting a bulky attacker, because you have enough fast Pokemon anyway.

♦ A bulky set could look like 232 HP / 200 SpA / 80 Spe with Modest Nature.

Bisharp Nice idea with the Power-Up-Punch :)

♦ Run BlackGlasses over Dead Plate, it looks cooler.
>enter image description here

Mandibuzz Not sure about this one, your teams does have a nasty fairy weakness. What I would suggest is running Skarmory in this guys place. Skarm doesn't add any new weaknesses except for fire, but your team has fire moves covered. Also, since you are running a defensive Mandibuzz it doesn't really matter if you change.

♦ A set like Defog, Roost, Iron Head, and Brave Bird/Spikes/Stealth Rock/Whirlwind is recommended.

Gastrodon :)

♦ c:

Mienshao Run Mienshao imo. However that might be a little biased in the fact that I like using lower tiered Pokemon, but a Regenatoring Scarf might come in handy, plus you aren't weak to mach punch and vacuum wave.

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I'm using reckless Shao right now, and the power difference is notable, also, I don't live more than 2 hits coz it's so frail, so Regenerator seems a little useless imo. However, thanks for the Skarm and Zard sets, as well as props on Gastro/PuP Bisharp ;)
0 votes

You have a major fighting weakness
You also have a major ground weakness

Infernape: HP ice is preferable over grass knot. Focus Blast does enough to vaporeon and Rotom. Gliscor is annoying and Lando is annoying in general. You get stopped in your tracks by dragons such as Garchomp or Dragonite.

Charizard-y: I run Flamethrower is also ridiculously powerful in sun. You can rely on its accuracy over fire blast. Flamethrower on infernape is also probably better

Mandibuzz: I would run Starmie due to your fairy weakness

Bold nature

Rapid spin
thunder wave

Skarmory also works

Gastrodon: Personally, I would run Ice beam

I would run scarf mienshao over terrakion because regenerator comes in handy. Furthermore, you need to get rid of the ground weakness that Terrakion brings

I run this set for Bisharp

@life orb
Adamant nature

Swords dance
sucker punch
Iron head
Knock Off
