Pokémon Rate My Team
6 votes

Alright it might seem like I'm pushing it with the Pokes I use, It's not what you actually use, let alone how you actually use it. Today I present you with none other than a Team who has always had the same first glance response "oh ofc.... Metagross". Little did they know that this Metagross is unlike any that they've seen or used. Now I know that I have made a few Meta Teams in the past that weren't all too good, but this one is the real deal. This RMT is long overdue due to me working on getting Metagross at full potential. Now this Team is not a Standard Team with Meta in it.... It's not original either.... The Team has had several edits, mostly keeping two Pokemon from the original Team. I don't want to get into the Team here, so let it explain itself. And as you know, this Tea, has been built over a discussion that Ionization and Recoded were having about this Pokemon."

Metagross @ Assault Vest
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 240 Atk / 236 HP / 16 SDef / 16 Def
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Zen Headbutt
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch

Why would the star of the Team be up top? Cause why not. Metagross, not Banded or the lame Stealth Rock, but Assault Vest. Due to the common aim on Special Attack to Metagross, AVest neutralizes this and gives a lot of mixed walling potential. AVest completely walls the likes Of Lati@s, who never carry HP Fire. I'm using Bullet Punch>Meteor Mash because it does aid in late game sweeping, and nailing those sneaky Mega Mawiles when they SD+Sucker Punch. Zen Headbutt is the stronger of STAB, nailing Conk switch-ins, Gengar switch-ins and overall Zard Switch-ins. Too bad it misses a lot... Earthquake provides coverage against opposing Steels, Fires, and Electrics hard. Ice Punch is for Flyings and Grounds, who otherwise cause some trouble to Meta's power trip. This thing is a threat, idc what you say, I pulled it off many a time, i suggest running it.

Tyranitar @ Tyranitarite
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Crunch

Mega Tyranitar, the Double Edged sword, or the great assister... This Pokemon can gained me a bunch of wins, and has made me lose a bunch(Stone Edge fuuuu). I like this guy. I mainly went offensive due to me lacking the starting firepower. Dragon Dance variant as you see, I have opted to run Stealth Rock over Dragon Dance, it has rarely ever been of use. Stone Edge+Crunch=STAB. Earthquake nails MegaZard-X and Excadrill. My main focus with Tyranitar was to use it as a form of baiting and countering the likes of Talonflame and Zard-Y, who are top Metagame atm. Zard will always be faster than Tyranitar, which guarantees for me to land the Sand Weather as opposed to the Weather being Sun so it can rape. That is what Tyranitar does, bait Excadrill and KO those freaking Fire Birds easily.

Conkeldurr (M) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Knock Off
- Ice Punch
- Mach Punch

Conkeldurr was recently added in the Team, replaced by Keldeo who wasn't helping at all. You all know AVest Conk, and this is nothing different, except it carries the Toxic Orb instead. People have questioned the use of Toxic Orb over Flame Orb, but you see, the damage output of Flame Orb over Toxic Orb in 2 turns is greater. Conk needs as much HP as it can carry, so that's why I used Toxic Orb instead. Conk's role is to rape Bisharp+Aegislash/Other Ghost type switch-ins in the face. Whether it'd be Mach Punch or Knock Off, it's gonna hurt. A lot. Conkeldurr has been a great asset when Ttar fails, so it's an amazing edition to the team.

Landorus (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sand Force
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Earth Power
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Rock]
- Focus Blast

The Landorus that has seldom been used. Landorus-I pairs very well with Tyranitar's Sand, and forms a nice unexpected Pokemon in that it's a Scarfmon, not a Specs or SubMon like they usually are. Landorus rapes Zard-Y with the Sand Boosted HP Rock, and destroys opposing Darks and Rocks with Focus Blast. Earth Power is it's STAB, but is almost never used due to it being negated by Flying Types and Leviators. I wanted to use Grass Knot over Psychic, but I figured Gengar is more a threat than Rotom-W and all. I still feel Landorus-I can be improved even further, so suggestions for this guy are most appreciated.

Rotom-Wash @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Trick
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump

For all you nubs saying "eww he's weak to Mega-Pinsir, much l00ser" or saying that "RestoChesto Rotom kills your entire team, way to go nub", here's my response. Everyone uses the lame AVest, RestoChesto, or just pure defensive with Lefties, but mine is the monstrous Choice Specs. I used Rotom-C before, but it left me prone to Zard-X after a DD, and Lando-T with HP Ice. The Specs set is stamdard, except HP Ice over Fire for Garchomps and breaking Dragonite's Multiscale by a lot. Since you can argue saying Pinsir has Mold Breaker, this Rotom is max Speed, thus making it faster than it and nailing it with a Specs Volt Switch.

Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 200 Def / 180 HP / 128 Spd
Lax Nature
- Sleep Powder
- Knock Off
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power [Fire]

The annoyer of the Team, the Physical Wall, the pure Excadrill counter. Nothing messes with guy unless you're Special. Tangrowth took Rotom-C's Grass Type niche, as it helps Tyranitar a lot. The EVs, ensure I outspeed and wreck Scizor on the spot with HP Fire, and if it outspeeds them, it outspeeds the other priority abusers that reign OU. Sleep Powder is a huge help, aiding in walling my main team counters in Landorus-T and Kyurem-Black. Knock Off helps ALOT, taking away Lefties or a Weakness Policy, or just nailing Psychic Types, it's a great help. Giga Drain is the chosen STAB, and keeps Tangrowth healthy with Lefties and Regenerator. Basically if Tangrowth can stay over 50% HP, it's not going down at all, as it can regain it all back in the next switch out. Truly another Poke that needs usage.

Thanks for reading, the only thing i've been opting for that has not been mentioned is Scarf Rotom-W over Specs, because i always found that Rotom gets outsped very easily..... This will remedy the situation!

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Thanks Jack!
Nice team, I never did manage to use AV Metagross successfully but maybe I'll give him another go.
Yeah I highly suggest using it. And Thanks!
Names team Bulletproof, no Chesnaught. ;~;
So you want me to copy you?
Ion wants everyone to copy him :3
No :P Chesnaught saks.
A bit late but still :P No problem at all Mike.
Oh yeah, also, love the look of the team, I'll test it out for myself sometime!
Haha, have fun with it!
The annoyer of the Team, the Physical Wall, the pure Excadrill counter.

What are you talking about, Specs HP Ice excadrill will eat your face
Lol stahp Flame, you sak.
Run rock slide on landorus
Rotom...... My worst enemy...... Why did your have to add this?! (i^i)
No, don't want you to copy (despite what Kijani says -.-) Chesnaught doesn't sak, it's taken out more Talonflames, Charizards and Mega Pinsirs than I care to remember :P
Ion, it still saks because Le Kingler used it. :P
:O Don't you be bashing on Le Kingler~ son
Le Kingler is a l00ser who fodders his most treasured Pokemon :3
" And as you know, this [Tea], has been built over a discussion that Ionization and Recoded were having about this Pokemon." Nice Tea bruh. :3
Just wondering, but isn't your team easily wear down by hazards? You don't have a Spinner/Defogger. You'll be switching a lot with Regenerator Tangrowth, Scarfed Landorus, and Specs/Volt Switch Rotom-W.
Yes good Tea, because Recoded and Ion are British x3? And Hazards aren't so common, and my Team isn't weak to Hazards at all, so yeah a Spinner is not necessary.
I'm the Englishman who doesn't like tea :3 Coffee ftw o3o!
I've been seeing lots of Deoxys-D and Deoxys-S leads lately, so that's why I asked. Also, would you mind a Showdown battle? I wanna test a team I've been working on for a while now. >w<
I hate both, so yeah :x
Sure man, just tell me a time we can meet on the DB server(if it's not down) and I'll help you test and fix some errors ^-^
Well I don't know, when can you battle? I was hoping tomorrow. I'm in Central Time Zone by the way. Edit: Let's battle tomorrow, I think I'm going to replace some team members today. :3
Ok. (Filler)
On Landorus-I wouldn't it be better if it were mixed or something? Special Landorus is good if it has Sheer Force, but you have Sand Force instead. Here is what I was thinking:
Landorus (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sand Force
EVs: 252 Att/ 4 SpA/ 252 Spe
Nature: Naive
-Stone Edge
-Grass Knot/U-Turn/Hidden Power [Ice]
Earthquake is STAB and gets boosted by Sand Force, Stone Edge gets boosted by Sand Force and still KO's Charizard-Y. Psychic is to deal with your Gengar problem, Focus Blast is dropped for Grass Knot/U-Turn since Earthquake hits Rock types for Super Effective damage anyway and Conkeldurr can deal with the Dark types. Grass Knot can also help deal with your Rotom-W problem or you can use U-Turn to form a Volt-Turn core with your own Rotom-W. Hidden Power Ice is used to hit stuff like opposing Landorus or Gliscor. Just a suggestion from a scrub like me. ;P
For Some Reason im inspired to use Assault Vest Metagross o3o

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