Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes


Why hello there. It has been quite some time since my last RMT. This is because I have never had a real solid team. OU was just there, still into a challenge cup as always, UU was getting incredibly repetitive. Last generation, I took a liking to RU. RU has made its beta debut in X / Y, so it was time for a team. I had some sparks of inspiration here and there, tried a pretty awful hail team, did some editing, and have finally reached a conclusion. A team I enjoy playing that has originality and one that I can be proud of. Welcome to the RMT.

This team focuses on the ability to recover from OHKOs, deal out status, and have members be self-reliant. The majority of these members have the ability to come back and revenge kill multiple members of a team. I wanted to try out Muk after one of my favorite [poketubers][1] used it, and its incredible luck with Poison Touch. Gastrodon is a great counter to a lot of sweepers, namely Escavalier, because he is is the slugmaster of scald burns. Kyurem is running around, and I needed a good special defensive mon, so Moonblast Cress was the way to go. Azelf can't touch this. I love Avalugg. I really want him to work, but he just isn't putting in enough. I decided to run bulky Escavalier, who checks annoying fairies and psychics. Raikou was just slapped on there because he is Raikou. Malamar was one of my primary reasons for this team, +1 each turn for free. They all work well, I haven't needed any further replacements as of yet.

The Team

Gangstlug (Gastrodon) @ Leftovers
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 SAtk
Bold Nature

  • Toxic
  • Earth Power
  • Scald
  • Recover

Gastrodon is just amazing. Sponges all the waters, wall all the steels. I was running Stockpile on this guy, but decided the boosts weren't doing anything and went with Earth Power for coverage. This team has trouble getting over walls like Mega Abomasnow, so i decided to run Toxic since I can stall it with Cress. Gastrodon has this incredible ability unlike any water Pokemon, Scald nearly ALWAYS burns. It is incredible. Escavalier can still be an annoyance, so Recover is some healing.

ANavySoldier (Muk) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Poison Touch
EVs: 152 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 100 Def
Relaxed Nature

  • Poison Jab
  • Payback
  • Fire Punch
  • Infestation

This is... a strange Muk. Assault Vest is a different approach, and I like it. Muk is bulky enough to switch in and survive some hard hits. He is incredible for physical attackers, because of Poison Touch. Poison Jab is STAB and more poison! Muk isn't very fast, but can live most psychic attacks unless it is a Specs Azelf. Payback handles that. Steel types bug this team still, so Fire Punch is just added coverage. 10% burn, plus Poison Touch. Muk is not a Pokemon people like to have switched in on them. After a move, they tend to desire to switch because they need this sweeper. HAHA jokes on you, Infestation picks them off. Oh yeah, internet cookies for you if you understand the name.

Maiden (Cresselia) (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Modest Nature

  • Calm Mind
  • Moonblast
  • Psyshock
  • Moonlight

I decided I didn't want a support Cresselia. This team's mons can handle themselves well, so I chose a rewarding style. Cress is capable of putting out Calm Mind like it is nothing, so switching doesn't bug me. Cress runs off of two of the best moves in the game, Moonblast and Psyshock. Moonblast at plus 2 does a hefty amount of damage to everything. Psyshock kills off sweepers like Guts Swellow and Toxicroak, also fairies like Whimiscott. Moonlight is mostly from residual damage from a Wisp or something.

CameHereTo (Escavalier) @ Leftovers
Ability: Swarm
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 HP / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature

  • Megahorn
  • Aerial Ace
  • Knock Off
  • Iron Head

I was originally running Avalugg here. But this guy works much better. Megahorn is an incredible move. It KOs a ton of ton of stuff, and a lot of stuff in RU can't handle bugs well. Gastrodon has a hard time with it. Aerial Ace is basically coverage, it can't miss, so it works out well. Fighting types are dealt with, and it works up Mega Abomasnow. Knock Off is a must have move this gen, basically the SR of Gen 5. Great coverage and stops recovery. Obviously we have the main STAB needed, the Steel STAB. Steel doesn't have a lot of place in RU right now imo, but it still hurts like hell. Iron Head deals with Poison and the occasional fairy.

Beast Incarnate (Raikou) @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature

  • Substitute
  • Calm Mind
  • Thunderbolt
  • Hidden Power [Ice]

SubCM Raikou wrecks all the things. Enough said.

Malamari the Duck (Malamar) @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Superpower
- Topsy-Turvy
- Night Slash
- Psycho Cut

Malamar works great as an early game glass cannon. It wears down enemy mons, mostly just enough to KO with another mon of mine. Superpower is great with Contrary. Free attack boost is always plus, no doubt. However, it isn't going to stop Megahorns from OHKOing you in the face from Escavalier. Definitely a nice move, though. I never seem to deal with mons that set up; maybe that's why Raikou and Cress dominate. But Topsy-Turvy, you never know when it will work out amazingly. Plus Fighting-Psychic-Dark is a good triangle to have anyways. Both Night Slash and Psycho Cut are STAB, increased crit, same BP, different type. Basically counterpart each other and work perfectly for me.

So that's the team. Laddering is not my thing, I did a little bit. At like 1250, too lazy to go further :P

Replays soon enough.
[1]: https://www.youtube.com/user/Haydunn/featured
[2]: http://i.imgur.com/wk0Oslp.jpg?1?3685
[3]: http://i.imgur.com/QWNTozA.jpg?1?7307
[4]: http://i.imgur.com/MU93Dpo.png?1?8165
[5]: http://i.imgur.com/RZka1US.png?1?1073
[6]: http://i.imgur.com/0YUM0fp.png?1?6025
[7]: http://i.imgur.com/69vMKrw.jpg?1?2663

Where the hell are your rocks?

I love your Muk tho.
You should know very well I rarely use hazards unless they are TSpikes.
Eyyyy, someone else who doesn't use hazards and likes Muk :D I used him in OU tho :3
Pfft, any team that doesn't have steel is dead to kyurem.
Moonblast, Escavalier, and Gastro handle him fine.

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