Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

As many of you may know, I'm pretty darn inactive with Pokemon now, due to the sheer fact that it has gotten too boring to keep playing daily and consistently. That being said, I still like to build teams, just to make sure I don't lose my touch, if for any reason I choose to play Pokemon again more often.

That being said, there are various tiers of pokemon that I enjoyed ever since I began playing competitively, but Gen 6 OU has been a love-hate tier for me. I would hate the fact that few pokemons dominate the tier, but it is the tier in which one can be most creative (in my eyes). So, due to that reason, I've decided to present a team as a little commemoration to my time as an active battler, and to my transition as an "inactive" battler. Since I decided to type up a lot of stuff, a teambuilding view of the team will be in a pastebin, so expect to see various tabs and whatnot. (Pastebin may contain a few inappropriate words for some users.)

Also, as a heads up, I didn't ladder this team at all, and only battled people I know from school, Mewderator, and pokegen'd this unto my 3DS game and fought some people there. So far, it's done pretty good even though I haven't played OU in a while prior to this team.


Teambuilding Is For Scrubs (Check it out yourself)

The Team

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite

Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 40 HP / 216 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Waterfall
- Bite

If an award would have to go out to the most avoided Mega that is capable of destroying teams with ease, it would definitely go to Mega Abomasnow.
Wait a minute...
Gyarados is actually very satisfying Mega to use, and does its job perfectly fine, with very good abilities in Intimidate and Mold Breaker, allowing me to set up and have more physical "bulk", then Mega evolving after sufficient boosts, and sweeping teams with great coverage and the help of Mold Breaker. Since this is my first time using this fellow, I really don't know of his usage set, so I slapped on a Dark move because why not? Anyways, this shrimp can certainly be devastating against any weakened or unprepared team. Would 10/10 bang and recommend.

Wait, nvm, this guy is ugly. 0/10 would bang. My bad.

Garchomp @ Focus Sash

Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Fire Blast
- Earthquake
- Outrage

Sweet baby Jesus (Yes, my child?), is it #tbt (Throwback Thursday, for all of you uncultured humans out there) or what? Digging up the Gen 5 mons, and making them shine in Gen 6 OU, land of the Brave Bird, and home of the Aerilate. Dude sets up rocks and kills, nothing more, and certainly nothing less. He can become death fodder when I see no use for him anymore, and get some chip damage on some scrubby U-Turn play by the opponent. Also, has deadly STABs, and Fire Blast takes Scizor(nician) out on a romantic date to hell.

Aegislash @ Weakness Policy

Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 200 HP / 188 Atk / 112 SAtk / 8 Spd
Quiet Nature
- King's Shield
- Shadow Sneak
- Shadow Ball
- Iron Head

Speaking about hell, looks like some idiot got lost and thought a sword was a perfect place to reside in for the rest of eternity (pls dun bash on me guys, believ wat u want). Anyways, we know that one ghost cannot help another out, so their logical reasoning is to eliminate one another in battle. Touching, isn't it?

Well, thanks to this soul-blade's weakness, I get me some +2's in Attack and SAtk, making up for that horrible speed stat. Shadow Ball and Shadow Sneak are nuke + finisher duo, and Iron Head is for Normal types and Fairies. 8 Speed for other soul-blade's who run Quiet, but no speed investment, allowing me to outspeed and KO.

Raikou @ Leftovers

Ability: Pressure
EVs: 92 HP / 192 SAtk / 224 Spd
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Substitute

I'm Raikou, and I'm majestic as heck. Old Gen 5 SubCM set with slight bulk modifications, making sure I can take an Aerilated QA and Brave Bird from MPinsir and Talonflame respectively. CM + Sub make this big boy a threat, while HP Ice and TBolt give me a very effective BoltBeam combo, capable of doing a number on OU pokemons. Has a problem with MVenu, though...

Still a sexy cat. Beats that stupid cloud guy Thundurus IMO.

Latios (M) @ Expert Belt

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Draco Meteor
- Defog

Problem with MVenu, my dear Raikou bae? NO PROBLEM, I'M HERE. Psyshock for days has MVenu and friends running away to their Bisharp and Aegislash. #LOLSWITCH #LOLJKHPFIRE. Draco Meteor just hits hard, so no honorable mention for it. Defog lets me rid of hazards like Spikes, which threatens this team more than SR does, so yayzies. Also, Latios becomes the Ground immunity pokemon after Gyarados goes Super Shrimp mode, so it works out well. Also outspeeds scrubs like Keldeo (and resists its STABs too), and Terrakion, threatening pokemon that are worth mentioning, even though I might meet the character limit soon. (I hope he or she is hot...)

Mamoswine @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Icicle Crash
- Ice Shard
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Mamoswine is OP, no matter what gen he's in. Since he's always getting better at being anti-meta, I decided to give him that yoloblazing420swag Scarf. He doesn't disappoint, as many people claim. He is actually capable of various feats, such as KOing Pivot Lando with Icicle Crash (After the Intimidate drop), and still outspeeding Thundy and LatiTapDatAss. Ice Shard is still in here, because it's still nice to catch a weakened MPinsir off guard when he expects to Quick Attack me to death. Stone Edge hits hard, and mainly there for the lack of a better move. However, EQ is certainly there to take out any Steel, Rock, Electric or Fire type that decides to stand in my way.

Lolwtf are poison types?

Thank you for reading, and I could use some help on this team, as it is fairly new, since I haven't used it often. And while I lied to Mew that it was a new team so he could help me test, in reality, this team is 3 weeks old, and I was importing (and eating) o3o!

Here's a random replay against (lolwhomightthisbeomghypedup) Mew.


I gave it an upvote when I knew it was your team. Then I tried to give another upvote for the first link.
Then an upvote for seeing Raikou.
Then an upvote for seeing the Raikou link.
Then another upvote because of all the lol's.
Then another upvote for the Mew battle cuz good battle.
Then another upvote because why the hell not?

So yeah, I made five dupes, just for you.
Hp fire deos a max of 40% to aegislash and HP fire won't kill bisharp. Unless you'd rather surprise ferrothorn, I'd go for HP fighting to actually OHKO bisharp and do a decent amount to ttar
Bite sucks on Gyara. Something like Sub (I normally run a cleric on almost every team, so unless you do too don't use sub), Thunder Wave (increased Bulk and Intimidate lets it take a hit, T-Wave lets you outspeed faster threats) or Toxic (Walls are for Bricks)

Generekt is right too, Mamowine should be able to beat Aegi (outspeeds Sacred Sword, less than 2HKO'd by Shadow Sneak). Just play smart with it and force situations and it won't be a problem.
adding on to silent's comment if you wanna run more offensive, you can run ice fang for dnite and possibly gliscor and possibly run bounce to get STAB and the jump on keldeo and megasaur after evolving, taunt is also another option to shut down stall, especially skarmory, bite offers you almost no important coverage and you're better of running a coverage move  since it's so weak even with STAB
Ily2 Kijani. I'll see you tomorrow night ;)

@Generekt: Lol, HP Fire is sufficient, since just about nothing on this team takes on Ferrothorn easily. I'm fine with doing 40% to Aegislash; the point ks that once Latios Defogs stuff, there is kind of a less need for him. Also, thanks for the Bounce/Ice Fang suggestion, I'll make sure to replace bite with one of those moves.

@Stay_Silent: As stated, I've never used Gyara, and just wanted to finish his moveset, and all. However, Taunt is the only plausible move i see on Gyara that I may use. Sub is not for me, since no cleric, and Toxic/TWave kind of defeats the purpose of a DDance sweeper; a FAST and WALLBREAKING pokemon.
If it were DTailDos from Gen 5, then maybe. But thanks for your suggestions, I'll try Taunt out.
lol ok, I'm just making sure you don't get your hopes up for something as weak as HP fire to dent aegislash. It is very nice to dent ferrothorn since you're setup bait for ttat with HP fighting or not. It's ferro or Bisharp, your choice :)
What exactly does 40 HP EVs helps M-Gyarados survive? Anyway, Ice Fang>Bite since it help you hit Mega Venusaur, Dragons, etc. Bite has weak BP even with STAB. One suggestion is that Mamoswine is countered very easily by Bulky Gyarados and Defensive Rotom-W. Here is one set which lures in Gyarados, Rotom-W, Quaqsire, etc.
Mamoswine @ Life Orb
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 244 Att/ 16 SpA/ 252 Spe
Naive Nature
-Ice Shard
-Icicle Crash

Some calculations which shows this isn't necessarily a gimmick--

16 SpA Life Orb Mamoswine Freeze Dry vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Rotom-W: 143-172 (47.1 - 56.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

16 SpA Life Orb Mamoswine Freeze Dry vs. 88 HP / 0 SpD Gyarados: 302-359 (85.5 - 101.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

16 SpA Life Orb Mamoswine Freeze Dry vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Quagsire: 426-504 (108.1 - 127.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

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