Pokémon Rate My Team
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This probably is the most successful team I've ever made..

Ozelot (Liepard) @ Leftovers
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Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4HP
Jolly Nature
- Taunt
- Knock Off
- Thunder Wave
- U-turn

Scouts and cripples stuff. Used over Klefki because Liepard has access to Knock Off and U-Turn and that Liepard is one of my favorite Dark types. Let me know if Klefki is better though, though Liepard does reasonably well. I originally had 252 invested into HP, but Liepard is frail anyway, so might as well knock stuff off as hard as I can. An exellent lead so far.
EDIT: Tried Klefki, doesn't really have a good place here.
Taunt gets it done against scary stuff like Sub-Mawhile, Belly Drummin Azumarills and troll Sabelytes. Knock Off lets me quickly get rid of items with Liepards decent speed or I can just run off with a U-Turn.

NOT BIRD JESUS (Talonflame) @ Choice Band
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Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 168 Spd / 252 Atk / 84 HP / 4 SAtk
Naughty Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn
- Overheat

A very powerful but easy to use sweeper. I didn't fully invest in Speed since Talonflame is already pretty fast and I have Gale Wings. Also, I'm not into TwitchPlaysPokemon, I just found out about their Bird Jesus and thought it was a funny and epic name.
Brave Bird and Flare Blitz are choice STABs with a Choice Band. U-Turn is for dealing damage and escaping a situation. Overheat hits things with high defense like Skarmory or Scizor and used when I can't afford to take more recoil.

yunograss (Florges) @ Leftovers
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Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
- Toxic
- Wish
- Protect
- Moonblast

Special Wall and Supporter, I used to have Latias in this place, but I had a problem with Fairy. Anyways, 154 base SDef equals the defensive monstrosity Lugia. While physical Steel moves destroy Florges, I got Mandibuzz in the reserve for this.
Toxic starts the stallage with the Wish + Protect dombo. I could also pass a Wish to a recoiled Talonflame if I wanted to and help the team out as a whole. Moonblast is for taunters and those things I can hit hard with a death laser from the Moon.

Trusty (Alakazam) @ Life Orb
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Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Dazzling Gleam
- Charge Beam
- Shadow Ball

Special sweeper. Can't go wrong with Alakazam at all, Magic Guard protects me from Life Orb damage which almost feels broken.
Psyshock is special wall hitting STAB. Dazzling Gleam lets me hit Dragon and covers my Dark weakness without the inaccurate Focus Blast. Charge Beam is mostly used for revenge killing or when I'm sure I'll get the kill for the nice SAtk boost. Shadow Ball covers Ghost and Psychic.

Man Da Buzz (Mandibuzz) (F) @Leftovers
enter image description here
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Impish Nature
- Foul Play
- Knock Off
- Toxic
- Defog

Physical wall and defogger. This bird does a lot of the tanking with its typing and bulk.
Foul Play hits the physical attackers I wall hard with STAB along with the ever useful Knock Off. Toxic puts things on a timer as a last gift before Mandibuzz goes down. Defog just gets rid of hazards and the evasion drop can make way for a Hi Jump Kick for Medicham.

datPOWA (Medicham) @ Medichamite
enter image description here
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Jolly Nature
- Psycho Cut
- High Jump Kick
- Bullet Punch
- Ice Punch

Physical sweeper. When I saw that this guy had Pure Power in its Mega Evolution, I just had to use it as a wallbreaker. Only problem is, I can't be using this for any switch ins with that terribad typing and defenses.
Psycho Cut is used over Zen Headbutt because it has 100% accuracy and the crit chance. Hi Jump Kick is a scary moves because it misses so much for me, but it destroys everything it hits. Bullet Punch is priority and coverage and Ice Punch lets me take out Salamence and Dragonite.

Replays and stuff

edited by
No point in Special Attack EVs on Talonflame.
Probably should replace Toxic or Reflect with an Attack move or Taunt+Dark Types will shut Latias down.
Life Orb or Choice Specs or something on Alakazam.
Oh, I meant to put on Overheat instead of Agility which explains the SAtk EV. My PS randomly deleted that team, so I had to remake it.
Life Orb is definitley something I'll consider for Alakazam.
As for Latias, what if I put on Dazzling Gleam or Draco Meteor instrad of Psyshock? I defnitley need Reflect, as it makes up for no investment in SAtk.
Draco Meteor might make nice STAB. I'd go Roost > Overheat, personally.
You have four pokemon weak to Fairy, one who resists and is frail af, and then another mon who is also frail af.
Mawil behind Sub, Azumarill, Sylveon. They all love your team.
Admittedly Medicham can probz beat Sylveon and the likes with Bullet Punch, but Azumarill is bulky and can tank it, and Mawile behind a sub is Mawile behind a sub.
Yeah, Fairy was my main concern with this. Which was why I was considering a Klefki for Liepard. Haven't been seeing too much likes of Mawhile and Azumarill these days, but I'll test this out some more.

@Poke'slash, Roost on a Choice Banded Talonflame?
I missed the Choice Band, was tired last night.
For Alakazam, try an annoyer set with Focus Sash | Psyshock / Shadow Ball / Dazzling Gleam or Hidden Power Fire (For Scizor and the likes) or Focus Blast / Taunt.
It shuts down walls, or revenge kills threats. It was a nasty surprise in Gen 5 and still is in Gen 6.

Also, while Roost probably isn't the best idea, you can fake a Non-Choiced set by running say, Taunt. That way on the right predicts (and Chansey) you can completely shut them down and then switch out. I used it in a team once and it was funny as hell lol.

And yeah, try out Klefki instead of Liepard with TWave / Spikes / Play Rough / Toxic or something.
does bumping work?

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