Pokémon Rate My Team
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I was playing alot of fire monotype before they banned Talonflame so I had to remake my Fire team but also my Flying team. I decided to start from scratch with 2 walls ( 1 special and 1 physical) so I decided that Gliscor would join. Then when I thought about an Special Wall Togekiss popped up so Togekiss is in. Charizard has always been my favorite and I decided Charizard X as my Mega pokemon. Well I thought 2 walls is good but a third is better, so Skarmory joined :D . So wanted something to sweep easy and the choice was Weakness Policy Dragonite. Now that I mostly got physical sweepers I decided to bring Thundurus. Now I got a team of 6 and this is what I call result.

Gliscor (M) @Toxic Orb
enter image description here
Poison Heal
EVs 236Hp / 184 Def / 84Spe / 4 SpD
Impish Nature

  • Protect
  • Substitute
  • Toxic
  • Ice Fang

Well the common Gliscor but still useful as wall.

Togekiss (F) @Lum Berry
enter image description here
Serene Grace
EVs 252SpD / 196Hp / 36SpA / 24Spe
Calm Nature

  • Thunder Wave
  • Air Slash
  • Roost
  • Defog

The ParaFlinch combo. As I replaced Mandibuzz I need defogger and Togekiss learnt it (Great).

Skarmory (F) @Leftovers
enter image description here
EVs 204Hp / 196Def / 56SpD / 32Spe / 20 Atk
Impish Nature

  • Stealth Rock
  • Roost
  • Whirlwind
  • Brave Bird

This thing wrecks Set-Ups like Cosmic Power Clefable, Dragon Dancing Gyarados.

Charizard (M) @Charizardite X
enter image description here
Blaze > Tough Claws
EVs 252Spe / 240Atk / 16SpD
Adamant Nature

  • Dragon Dance
  • Dragon Claw
  • Fire Punch
  • Thunder Punch

My ace. Love this set but you must transfer from Gen 5 to get this if you don´t play showdown.

Dragonite (F) @Weakness Policy
enter image description here
EVs 216Spe / 252Atk / 40Hp
Adamant Nature

  • Dragon Dance
  • Extremespeed
  • Dragon Claw
  • Fire Punch

The normal WP Dragonite but still useful.

Thundurus (M) @Focus Sash
enter image description here
EVs 252Spe / 236SpA / 20Hp
Timid Nature

  • Taunt
  • Nasty Plot
  • Discharge
  • Dark Pulse

The Special Sweeper. Taunt stops many things I don´t like to meet.

So yeah this is what I done here.

The EVs on Gliscor was mostly to outspeed other gliscors with 72-76Spe EVs. The 4SpD actually mattares when I got Scalded. The attacking EVs on togekiss bc of Air Slash doing damage. The defending EVs is just to take more hits
But what are you taking with those extra defense EVs? Can I have some calcs to see what the point is?
Hate to burst your bubble, but Charizard X does better with EQ > T-Punch. 252/252/4 is more than fine for half of these Pokemon, except Gliscor. Seeing your team makes me cringe a bit at the lack of offensive power. Choice Scarf Staraptor more than fills that slot. You can rid yourself of both Thundurus and Togekiss by using a bulky Defog Zapdos. It even gets better coverage than both. Gliscor is typically worse than Landorus-T in terms of flying mono synergy. Landorus-T provides Intimidate support and power, along with staying power and a Stealth Rock user that actually forces switches and is a good utility Pokemon. Weakness Policy Dragonite on Flying monos with Charizard X is stupidly redundant. +3 Extremespeed doesn't OHKO a lot. I'd swap it to something different, maybe Specs or Scarf Noivern, either of which outspeed and OHKO Greninja, Flying's mortal enemy. Just one strong BoltBeam user could blow this team away after Zard is dead or if it has a strong Ice Beam. So instead of walling, you should be focused on checking Cloyster and bulky waters over trying to wall where everything shares a weakness to stealth rock. I'll even vouch for Skarm / MGyarados / Landorus-T's ability to core nicely. Thundurus-I's niche is Prankster T-Wave and Taunt with offensive pressure, no more, no less. It cripples Cloyster. Most of your threats are bulky waters and Stealth Rock. Focus on that instead.

tl;dr - You want to think this over a lot better and more than you have. Learn the monotype metagame, eh?

Sources: Experience of playing flying since October avidly
I have changed the team so I actually got rid of Dragonite And Thundurus. I choosed Mix Mence and  Scarf Lando T and thanks
Gliscor : Protect, Toxic, Knock Off, Earthquake
Togekiss: Leftovers maybe?
Skarmory: Replace Leftovers with Rocky Helmet
Charizard: Flare Blitz>Fire Punch you can also use Talonflame

Talonflame @ Leftovers/ Choice Band
EVs: 252 Atk/ 252 Spd/ 4 Hp
Nature: Jolly/ Adamant                                                                     
Leftovers Moves                                                                          Choice Band Moves
-Brave Bird                                                                                       -Brave Bird
-Flare Blitz                                                                                        -Flare Blitz
-Bulk Up                                                                                             -U-Turn
-Roost                                                                                                  -Steel Wing

Dragonite: Earthquake>Fire Punch
Thundurus: Thunder Bolt> Discharge

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