Hello friends <;
Yes, 'tis I, bringing yet another dose of nubbishness to RMT. After seeing a couple of videos and RMT's about PokeBattle, I decided I would try it out for myself. To be completely honest, some of the points values annoy me, because based on mathematical average, SkarmBliss and DeoSharp cost less than what you are expected to spend, and I've been swept by enough Kyurem-W that have had Shell Smashes passed on by Smeargle to last a lifetime. Nevertheless, my usual style, I made a team, did decently, and then began failing miserably. I managed to bring my rank to around where I was before, but not there yet (btw, for those who don't know, I'm Phoebus Apollo). Anyways, onwards o3o!
The team at a glance:


Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant nature
- Focus Punch
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Substitute
PBV: 190
I decided to run Sub-Punch because I was getting screwed over by Steel types. Yeah, that's pretty much the reason. That and the fact that when I get behind a sub, Sucker Punch becomes very easy to use, Play Rough is a nice spammable STAB move, and Focus Punch pretty much decimates it's usual counters (Hai Heatran. Bye Heatran.) Very powerful wallbreaker, can be difficult to get dat sub up.
Heatran@Choice Scarf

Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 88 HP / 252 SAtk / 168 Spe
Modest nature
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- AncientPower
- Flash Cannon
PBV: 180
ScarfTran with my own EV spread. Because I feel the only relevant threats beyond the base 108 speed tier are the Latis, Greninja and Talonflame, I felt this was the way to go as Heatran cares not for Talon, Latis generally hate Ferro/Mawile, and Greninja is eaten by Vap. Of course, other Scarfers will beat me but tbh, even with Timid 252, I would still be outsped. This spread allows me to beat stuff like Terrakion, Infernape and Mega Pinsir with the appropriate move. Granted, the surprise factor only works once, but if that gets a threat out of the game, it's a huge bonus.

Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk
Bold nature
- Scald
- Wish
- Protect
- Heal Bell
PBV: 140
Since burning Mawile is a popular way to deal with it, and my Ferro is pretty much neutered when burned, I wanted a way of keeping status off of my team. A cleric seemed obvious, and I also wanted to absorb Water hits for Heatran. Therefore, I turned to a favorite wall of mine: Vaporeon. This thing is an absolute nightmare to take down, as it can Wish Protect all day, on top of possibly burning the opponent. Finally, it's cheapness in PBV makes up for Mega Mawile and Heatran's high values.
Ferrothorn@Choice Band

Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
IVs: 0 Spe
Brave nature
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip
- Knock Off
- Bulldoze
PBV: 155
Most of you who know me know that I dislike hazards, rarely using them. So you may have been puzzled as to why a Ferrothorn was on my team. Well now you know o3o. This thing hits incredibly hard, and is usually Taunted. Fine by me. Also, even when burned, Special variants of Rotom-W die to Power Whip. Gyro Ball is another incredibly powerful move, and Knock Off serves as utility and death to Psychic/Ghosts, whilst Bulldoze hits the evil Fire types.

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 96 Def / 160 SAtk
Modest nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Psyshock
- Defog
- Thunder Wave
PBV: 175
I needed a Fighting resistance badly, as well as a Ground immunity and preferably a Fire resist. I also wanted a way to clear hazards off of the field. Result? What you see before you. Max HP for sponging, a little bit of Defense for more physical bulk (not for a specific attack, but it has helped a lot) and the rest in SAtk for more POWAH, 'cause the only other thing capable of a decent Special Attack is Heatran, who must Choice-lock himself into a move. STAB and Defog is obvious, T-Wave so that Mawile has an easier time late game.

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk
Bold nature
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
PBV: 150
This thing is positively evil. CroCress, despite lacking as large a SAtk stat as Suicune, and the fact that it's mono-attacking move isn't STAB, still does it's job brilliantly. So many clutch victories have come from Cress it's unbelievable, even taking stuff like Metagross (Banded) on and obliterating it (Sorry Mike ;~;), as well as other Poison and Steel types. This thing...is evil. Plain evil. It also shores up my Fighting resistance and ground immunities. And my Ghost/Dark weaknesses. ;~;
Team PBV: 990/1000
Final word:
The main problem I've encountered with this team is the lack of Dark types switches (only Mawile) and the complete lack of Ghost switches. I thought about using Mandibuzz > Lati, but then Electric is a problem. So I appreciate any help on that front.
The Final final word
Seriously Game Freak, why is Cresselia not Fairy type? Moonlight is, Moonblast is, but the Lunar Pokemon. Nope. Gdi Game Freak, rectify this. Rectifiy it now o3o!