So I decided to make a team for the next VGC. I know that you can only enter 4 pokemon in a battle, but I am including my 2 subs as well. Hope you can tell me what you think and if I drastically need to change anything.
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Abomasnow @ Abomasite
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 Atk / 168 Def / 88 SDef
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Blizzard
- Wood Hammer
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
The whole basis of this team is to pull off a Trick Room, which is why I have this powerhouse to lay down some ground to possibly force a switch on any ground types or Specially Defensive water types, this President really packs a punch.
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Conkeldurr @ Leftovers
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 Atk
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Bulk Up
- Knock Off
- Mach Punch
- Poison Jab
Conkeldurr basically just sits and stalls and gets revenge kills, whenever the chance, I will Bulk Up, but basically he just uses Knock Off to put enemies at a disadvantage.
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Nidoking @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SAtk / 176 SDef / 80 Def
Modest Nature (+SAtk,-Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower
- Sludge Wave
Nidoking has a large movepool, so I decided to make him my Special Sweeper. The only reason I have Sludge Wave, is because it hits all Pokemon, and that goes great with my Aegislash.
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Whimsicott @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Modest Nature (+SAtk, - Atk)
- Taunt
- Tailwind
- Dazzling Gleam
- Giga Drain
Whimsicott is a support that helps my team a lot if I don't have Trick Room up and running. Taunt is for those nasty Gliscors and anyone thinking about putting up hazards, the only problem is that none of my team is really threatened by rocks, so I might switch Taunt with Swagger, Trick Room, Light Screen, U-Turn, or Leech Seed.
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Aegislash @ Air Balloon
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head
- Sacred Sword
- Shadow Sneak
Aegislash can pretty much take anything, so he will sit in shield mode Swords Dancing for three turns, and will just start wailing on the opponent.
For the next two, could you tell me which one would be better for my team, because both serve their purpose by using trick room and having major defenses. The other option would be a Cresselia, but I am going to have to trade for a 5/6 IV one, which I don't know if anyone would be willing to trade theirs. If so, I have a 6 IV Modest Shiny Mewtwo with Unnerve and a 6 IV Ho-Oh with Regenerator.
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Reuniclus @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Trick Room
- Calm Mind
- Recover
- Psyshock / Shadow Ball
The Toxic Orb is just so I don't get Paralyzed, which even though I have Trick Room, is still kinda annoying to get. Reuniclus has some awesome Special Attack, and just two Calm Minds can lead to some trouble for pretty much any pokemon.
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Beheeyem @ Lum Berry
Ability: Telepathy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Trick Room
- Cosmic Power
- Recover
- Psyshock / Shadow Ball
Beheeyem boosts itself using Cosmic Power and is just a stall that can use Trick Room. The problem is, is that it's quicker to kill than Reuniclus, but after three Cosmic Powers, he just sits there.
Thanks for taking your time, and it took a while to come up with this team. Btw, the leads are the Trick Room Poke & Abomasnow, or Whimsicott and Nidoking.