Okay, there are a few problems with this team (in my opinion, anyway- don't take it like my opinion in 100% the best)
Before I say anything, just note that, in a stat, the max EVs are 252, not 255, and a stat goes up by 1 point per 4 EVs, meaning 125 in defense is the same as 124. This also means that an EV spread can always go into 3 stats or more, e.g 252/252/4, or anything else. It's generally more effective than 255.
On Simisear, flamethrower is always better than flame burst, unless there's some weird situation you're in in a double/triple battle (but even then, it's very limited use).
Hail + Blizzard + Ice Body looks very good on paper, but your team has no use for hail- in fact, it hinders it. None of your pokemon have immunity to it, so it's advisable not to use it unless you're using a dedicated weather team. Ice Beam, Flash Cannon and Hidden Power (preferably ground or fighting) are probably the best options (especially with a Life Orb), and you can leave the last as a filler- freeze-dry, frost breath or taunt are all viable options (taunt moreso for the surprise factor).
Electro Ball is extremely situational, even on a fast Pokemon like Emolga, and I'd advise against using it. Maybe try Air Slash instead? And you may want to put a few evs into sp. atk. If you can manage to do it, Motor Drive is probably the better ability, too. Leftovers might be a better item for it, by the way.
Ice Beam isn't really a very effective move on Audino. Wish or Heal Bell might be better, or Return. Most people also don't use Audino as a screener, but s/he should work fine.
Definitely give Kingler Hyper Cutter, and perhaps even a Choice Band. Return is infinitely more effective than Strength, too.
The only way Kricketune could ever hope to be remotely viable is with a Focus Sash and Sticky Web. Knock Off is a great move for it, and is far better than Night Slash, and X-Scissor should work fine.
Of course, this is all assuming that you'd rather not change around any Pokemon with another species, and that you've got a lot of patience to make this team or you're making it on a competitive simulator (and that it's Gen 6).
Hopefully this helped! If you think anything works better, feel free to use that instead- it's for fun, not to prove that you're the best Pokemon trainer in the universe.