Pokémon Rate My Team
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PU competitive team

Simisear @ choice specs
Ability: Gluttony
EVs: 255 SAtk / 255 Spd
Timid Nature
- Flame Burst
- Grass Knot
- Fire Blast
- Focus Blast

Role: Special sweeper

Vanilluxe @ nevermeltice
Ability: Ice Body
EVs: 255 SAtk / 255 Spd
Timid Nature
- Flash Cannon
- Hail
- Blizzard
- Taunt

Role: Special Sweeper

Emolga @ Sitrus berry
Ability: Static
EVs: 255 Spd / 125 Def / 120 SDef
Timid Nature
- Electro Ball
- Volt Switch
- Encore
- Tailwind

Role: Annoyer

Audino @ light clay
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 255 Def / 255 SDef
Bold Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Thunder Wave
- Ice Beam

Role: Tank

Kingler @ life orb
Ability: Hyper Cutter / Shell Armor / Sheer Force
EVs: 255 Atk / 255 Spd
Jolly Nature
- X-Scissor
- Crabhammer
- Strength
- Brick Break

Role: physical sweeper

Kricketune @ choice band
Ability: Swarm
EVs: 255 Atk / 255 Def
Adamant Nature
- X-Scissor
- Night Slash
- Rock Smash
- Protect

Role: Physical sweeper

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Just a random question, but is PU just another term for NU?
No PU Is partially used
I'd say PU stands for Poorly Used. It actually stands for strictly nothing and is under NU but over FU.
Never use Kricketune to attack lol. All it can do is set Sticky Web up. Vanilluxe is somewhat outclassed by Articuno, role-wise.
I'm pretty sure Audino is NU. If it's the case, then replace Vanilluxe with Rapid Spin Avalugg to keep hazards away and replace Audino with a special attacker.
Kingler can't run 3 abilities at once. Replace Strength with Frustration and 0 happiness to trump Ditto and deal more damage. Pick Sheer Force.

3 Answers

0 votes

You might want mega camerupt in your teAm. I prefer Basculin over kricketune because of adaptability. Lastly I suggest not having both volt switch and electro ball but having nuzzle and air slash. A defog user or a rapid spinner would be a good adition because you have 4 pokes who don't like stealth rock.

0 votes

Okay, there are a few problems with this team (in my opinion, anyway- don't take it like my opinion in 100% the best)

Before I say anything, just note that, in a stat, the max EVs are 252, not 255, and a stat goes up by 1 point per 4 EVs, meaning 125 in defense is the same as 124. This also means that an EV spread can always go into 3 stats or more, e.g 252/252/4, or anything else. It's generally more effective than 255.

On Simisear, flamethrower is always better than flame burst, unless there's some weird situation you're in in a double/triple battle (but even then, it's very limited use).

Hail + Blizzard + Ice Body looks very good on paper, but your team has no use for hail- in fact, it hinders it. None of your pokemon have immunity to it, so it's advisable not to use it unless you're using a dedicated weather team. Ice Beam, Flash Cannon and Hidden Power (preferably ground or fighting) are probably the best options (especially with a Life Orb), and you can leave the last as a filler- freeze-dry, frost breath or taunt are all viable options (taunt moreso for the surprise factor).

Electro Ball is extremely situational, even on a fast Pokemon like Emolga, and I'd advise against using it. Maybe try Air Slash instead? And you may want to put a few evs into sp. atk. If you can manage to do it, Motor Drive is probably the better ability, too. Leftovers might be a better item for it, by the way.

Ice Beam isn't really a very effective move on Audino. Wish or Heal Bell might be better, or Return. Most people also don't use Audino as a screener, but s/he should work fine.

Definitely give Kingler Hyper Cutter, and perhaps even a Choice Band. Return is infinitely more effective than Strength, too.

The only way Kricketune could ever hope to be remotely viable is with a Focus Sash and Sticky Web. Knock Off is a great move for it, and is far better than Night Slash, and X-Scissor should work fine.

Of course, this is all assuming that you'd rather not change around any Pokemon with another species, and that you've got a lot of patience to make this team or you're making it on a competitive simulator (and that it's Gen 6).

Hopefully this helped! If you think anything works better, feel free to use that instead- it's for fun, not to prove that you're the best Pokemon trainer in the universe.

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I don't play PU, but I know for a fact that some of your sets are suboptimal. Like @SkittySaysMeow said, your evs are completely wrong. Rock smash on kricketune is useless over something like brick break, and I'm pretty sure scyther completely outclasses kricketune. Strength and brick break are pretty much useless on a pokemon such as kingler, as they provide no coverage that is more powerful than lo sheer force crabhammer. I don't know the extent of kingler's movepool, but if it gets knock off put that on it instead of one of the two above moves. Use offensive articuno instead of vanilluxe. You may want to use mega audino if it isn't banned, but I do not know how viable it is. Flamethrower>flame burst on monkey, return>ice beam on audino,
